FUCK YOU LUCY YOU CAN SUCKA DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Impossible Productions wrote:
FUCK YOU LUCY YOU CAN SUCKA DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You do know, this proves my opinion of IT even more. My opinion that IT is just a bunch of little five year olds playing on BYOND. Would you care to explain why you are on the Internet at the age of five? What do your parents say about that?

You should be in preschool, not on the Internet.
IlaQuickel wrote:
You do know, this proves my opinion of IT even more. My opinion that IT is just a bunch of little five year olds playing on BYOND. Would you care to explain why you are on the Internet at the age of five? What do your parents say about that?

You should be in preschool, not on the Internet.

Yeah I don't know who's Impossible Production so don't put your hate on Icon Tales.
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
You do know, this proves my opinion of IT even more. My opinion that IT is just a bunch of little five year olds playing on BYOND. Would you care to explain why you are on the Internet at the age of five? What do your parents say about that?

You should be in preschool, not on the Internet.

Yeah I don't know who's Impossible Production so don't put your hate on Icon Tales.

I put hate on it because of the little kids that play your game, aka your admins, maybe if you actually learned how to moderate, I wouldn't hate it. I went on it to watch trolls, then when one was banned instead of muted and I cried abuse, I got banned for "trolling" or whatever the "real" reason was.
IlaQuickel wrote:
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
You do know, this proves my opinion of IT even more. My opinion that IT is just a bunch of little five year olds playing on BYOND. Would you care to explain why you are on the Internet at the age of five? What do your parents say about that?

You should be in preschool, not on the Internet.

Yeah I don't know who's Impossible Production so don't put your hate on Icon Tales.

I put hate on it because of the little kids that play your game, aka your admins, maybe if you actually learned how to moderate, I wouldn't hate it. I went on it to watch trolls, then when one was banned instead of muted and I cried abuse, I got banned for "trolling" or whatever the "real" reason was.

Why mute?Why mute when I can predict your next behavior is a banneable offense?And that you WILL do this offense in the next three seconds?
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
You do know, this proves my opinion of IT even more. My opinion that IT is just a bunch of little five year olds playing on BYOND. Would you care to explain why you are on the Internet at the age of five? What do your parents say about that?

You should be in preschool, not on the Internet.

Yeah I don't know who's Impossible Production so don't put your hate on Icon Tales.

I put hate on it because of the little kids that play your game, aka your admins, maybe if you actually learned how to moderate, I wouldn't hate it. I went on it to watch trolls, then when one was banned instead of muted and I cried abuse, I got banned for "trolling" or whatever the "real" reason was.

Why mute?Why mute when I can predict your next behavior is a banneable offense?And that you WILL do this offense in the next three seconds?

Because any good moderator would know that. Obviously, you suck. And you like to try and "protect" yourself when you are just making me assume you are just some noob that just wanted to be an moderator, so you probably kissed some butt to get where you are at now, either that, or you are the owner, not sure. But you are making me see you as some stupid kid who doesn't know how to moderate or run a moderating staff.
IlaQuickel wrote:
Because any good moderator would know that. Obviously, you suck. And you like to try and "protect" yourself when you are just making me assume you are just some noob that just wanted to be an moderator, so you probably kissed some butt to get where you are at now, either that, or you are the owner, not sure. But you are making me see you as some stupid kid who doesn't know how to moderate or run a moderating staff.

Who says muting is a good moderator behavior? And I am the owner of Icon Tales, so I deserve the title I recieve. "But you are making me see you as some stupid kid who doesn't know how to moderate or run a moderating staff." <-- Who the fuck cares what you think?
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
Because any good moderator would know that. Obviously, you suck. And you like to try and "protect" yourself when you are just making me assume you are just some noob that just wanted to be an moderator, so you probably kissed some butt to get where you are at now, either that, or you are the owner, not sure. But you are making me see you as some stupid kid who doesn't know how to moderate or run a moderating staff.

Who says muting is a good moderator behavior? And I am the owner of Icon Tales, so I deserve the title I recieve. "But you are making me see you as some stupid kid who doesn't know how to moderate or run a moderating staff." <-- Who the fuck cares what you think?

Obviously anyone who likes good moderators. And being the owner of a game should mean you should act like a good moderator, not a bad one.

There is still time to learn how to moderate. So go learn.
IlaQuickel wrote:
Obviously anyone who likes good moderators. And being the owner of a game should mean you should act like a good moderator, not a bad one.

That's just something some noob fag say who doesn't know what good moderating is. Good moderating depends on the situation and not on your own perspective.
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
Obviously anyone who likes good moderators. And being the owner of a game should mean you should act like a good moderator, not a bad one.

That's just something some noob fag say who doesn't know what good moderating is. Good moderating depends on the situation and not on your own perspective.

Says a bad moderator.

Obviously, you are neither a psychic nor a good moderator. Fact is, you are blind to good moderation.

May I ask how many games you have been a moderator on and name them.
IlaQuickel wrote:
Says a bad moderator.

Obviously, you are neither a psychic nor a good moderator. Fact is, you are blind to good moderation.

You have no idea what good moderation is yet pretends to do so. No one can dictates what good moderation is. That's like saying good is better than evil. How the hell would we know that?

May I ask how many games you have been a moderator on and name them.
5 why?Does being a moderator on many games prove anything?

Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
Says a bad moderator.

Obviously, you are neither a psychic nor a good moderator. Fact is, you are blind to good moderation.

You have no idea what good moderation is yet pretends to do so. No one can dictates what good moderation is. That's like saying good is better than evil. How the hell would we know that?

May I ask how many games you have been a moderator on and name them.
5 why?Does being a moderator on many games prove anything?

This isn't a good vs evil situation here, so your argument is invalid. Good moderation can be determined from bad moderation, and you will say you are a good moderator to defend yourself, but if you cannot take criticism, then stop moderating.

And I do not believe you. For you did not even name the games you moderate.
IlaQuickel wrote:
This isn't a good vs evil situation here, so your argument is invalid. Good moderation can be determined from bad moderation, and you will say you are a good moderator to defend yourself, but if you cannot take criticism, then stop moderating.

I believe you read it wrong. I did not say this was a good vs evil situation, I merely brought it in as a example which fitted the argument. Thus my defense was a valid one.
And I do not believe you. For you did not even name the games you moderate.

That depends, can they be self-hired, or temporary moderation, or other-hired?
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
This isn't a good vs evil situation here, so your argument is invalid. Good moderation can be determined from bad moderation, and you will say you are a good moderator to defend yourself, but if you cannot take criticism, then stop moderating.

I believe you read it wrong. I did not say this was a good vs evil situation, I merely brought it in as a example which fitted the argument. Thus my defense was a valid one.
And I do not believe you. For you did not even name the games you moderate.

That depends, can they be self-hired, or temporary moderation, or other-hired?

Ok, even bringing good vs evil in this situation as an example is wrong, so still, defense is invalid. Because, guess what? I can determine good moderation from bad moderation.

Also, if you wanted to use good vs evil as an example. Here is one example of that and determine which is good and which is evil.

There are two cops. One is good and one is evil. One sees a man kill a little girl and does nothing. The other sees the same man kill the same girl and arrests the man and puts him into jail. Who is the good cop and who is the evil cop? See? You CAN tell the difference from good and evil. Argument still invalid.

And, I still don't believe you. List the games, other than Icon Tales (IT doesn't count) that you moderate or moderated.
IlaQuickel wrote:
Ok, even bringing good vs evil in this situation as an example is wrong, so still, defense is invalid. Because, guess what? I can determine good moderation from bad moderation.

Also, if you wanted to use good vs evil as an example. Here is one example of that and determine which is good and which is evil.
There are two cops. One is good and one is evil. One sees a man kill a little girl and does nothing. The other sees the same man kill the same girl and arrests the man and puts him into jail. Who is the good cop and who is the evil cop? See? You CAN tell the difference from good and evil. Argument still invalid.

The evil cop isn't evil. You're a dipstick for believing him to be evil. He's just a coward, and evil doesn't necessarily means coward. So my argument is valid. You have no right to deem what's valid or not. I don't believe that you can tell what's good moderation or what's bad moderation.

And, I still don't believe you. List the games, other than Icon Tales (IT doesn't count) that you moderate or moderated.

I moderated a Bleach Game and a Resident Evil game.
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
Ok, even bringing good vs evil in this situation as an example is wrong, so still, defense is invalid. Because, guess what? I can determine good moderation from bad moderation.

Also, if you wanted to use good vs evil as an example. Here is one example of that and determine which is good and which is evil.
There are two cops. One is good and one is evil. One sees a man kill a little girl and does nothing. The other sees the same man kill the same girl and arrests the man and puts him into jail. Who is the good cop and who is the evil cop? See? You CAN tell the difference from good and evil. Argument still invalid.

The evil cop isn't evil. You're a dipstick for believing him to be evil. He's just a coward, and evil doesn't necessarily means coward. So my argument is valid. You have no right to deem what's valid or not. I don't believe that you can tell what's good moderation or what's bad moderation.

And, I still don't believe you. List the games, other than Icon Tales (IT doesn't count) that you moderate or moderated.

I moderated a Bleach Game and a Resident Evil game.

A coward for not doing what is right? Yeah I don't think the cop was a coward. He was just a bad cop. But that is besides the point.

Banning someone with no warning = bad. I am sorry if you didn't know that, but it is bad.

And btw, the moderator banned the wrong person, I was not trolling or capping. Only time I might have done that was when it abused.

Name them. Don't just tell me some Bleach game or some RE game. Tell me the names. And, that would count as two, not five. Failed.
IlaQuickel wrote:
A coward for not doing what is right? Yeah I don't think the cop was a coward. He was just a bad cop. But that is besides the point.

He was scared. Sometimes people are scared that they don't know what is justice or evil. Selfishness is not evil.Yeah he was a "bad" cop because he wasn't suited to be a cop.

Banning someone with no warning = bad. I am sorry if you didn't know that, but it is bad.

Banning someone who did something on purpose = good. Banning someone who did thing by accident = bad. I'm sorry if you didn't know that.

Name them. Don't just tell me some Bleach game or some RE game. Tell me the names. And, that would count as two, not five. Failed.

Bleach Darkness Chaos, Resident Evil: Cluster Chaos, Murder Case Online, and Racer Car. The count goes down to 4 excluding Icon Tales.
Gr1m d4 r34p3r wrote:
IlaQuickel wrote:
A coward for not doing what is right? Yeah I don't think the cop was a coward. He was just a bad cop. But that is besides the point.

He was scared. Sometimes people are scared that they don't know what is justice or evil. Selfishness is not evil.Yeah he was a "bad" cop because he wasn't suited to be a cop.

Banning someone with no warning = bad. I am sorry if you didn't know that, but it is bad.

Banning someone who did something on purpose = good. Banning someone who did thing by accident = bad. I'm sorry if you didn't know that.

Name them. Don't just tell me some Bleach game or some RE game. Tell me the names. And, that would count as two, not five. Failed.

Bleach Darkness Chaos, Resident Evil: Cluster Chaos, Murder Case Online, and Racer Car. The count goes down to 4 excluding Icon Tales.

Whether it is on purpose or on accident, it should be mute not ban right away, dolt. Go learn that, obviously, Icon Ultima has the better mods because THEY know that. Why don't you find an IU admin and learn from him/her. I am so glad that, if the main server of IU goes down, I can host IU, so the poor players of IU don't have to go on IT to talk to other people on the Internet. I'd hate to see them abused, just because they are from IU. Oh, and to SalemX, I'm not an abusive host =P
IlaQuickel wrote:
Whether it is on purpose or on accident, it should be mute not ban right away, dolt. Go learn that, obviously, Icon Ultima has the better mods because THEY know that. Why don't you find an IU admin and learn from him/her. I am so glad that, if the main server of IU goes down, I can host IU, so the poor players of IU don't have to go on IT to talk to other people on the Internet. I'd hate to see them abused, just because they are from IU. Oh, and to SalemX, I'm not an abusive host =P

Trying to brag, cause you're a Icon Ultima moderator? I believe ban should be right away because if you're going to spam ON PURPOSE then there's no hope for you and banning would save everyone the trouble. I'm sad that the people of IU are hypnotized into believing IU is the best with the false propaganda they spread.
Meh, only people who THINK thwey are liked by the host of Icon tales would vote for it to be best. >.>
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