This game is a sad attempt at remaking Icon ultima.
Mobius' hadouken verb which he uses to terrorize players sometimes is also on Builder Paradise.
Telepoints..Icon Ultima..
Start Area Looks like Icon Ultimas to..
This game just sucks. O_o
Wow, you're are a dumbass.
Mobius' hadouken verb which he uses to terrorize players sometimes is also on Builder Paradise.
Dragon Ball Z games used this first, saying that I stole it from Mobius, means you're saying Mobius stole it from Dbz
Telepoints..Icon Ultima..
Telepoints = Portals to see a building
Start Area Looks like Icon Ultimas to..
Start Area? Its just a platform. Platforms have been used in many other games, and are not copyrighted. Get over it.
Builders isn't a copyrighted word, and besides, Builders Fantasy is a abusive game.