So I am having a problem thats more related to with how byond works. I need the full map of a 4 different layers of maps to be covered with objects that can be breakable with by the player with a specific object. I have it all working fine, but the game will not run because I have too many objects on my map. I can, however, turn all those objects into turfs and the game will run, but no matter how I code it, I cannot make it so the player or their weapon can do damage to the turf. Can anyone help me with this?
Jul 12 2012, 6:01 pm
Can we see the code that you're talking about so we understand your problem better?
Your best bet is placing the objects at runtime -- there's a compile-time limit of 65535 objects on the map, but the runtime limit is far, far higher.
I was thinking about doing that Nadrew, I'm just so busy with work, I haven't had time to look up how to do that yet. I was afraid that was going to be the only option. Thanks for the help!
Also, if you have any suggestions on how to place a large area of map with objects at runtime, I would appreciate it! B) |
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
there's a compile-time limit of 65535 objects on the map, but the runtime limit is far, far higher. o.O Pretty cool information.Where do we get more such infos?(just curious he he) What do you mean by objects ? '/obj typed atoms' or '/obj + /mob typed atoms' or 'all atoms'? I have seen Maps with Sizes of 400x400x10 Tiles.. They certainly contain more than 400x400x3 atoms excluding the other turfs/objs/mobs placed on top of each tile. This sums around to more than 480,000 atoms placed on the map. |
There's a separate limit for /mob /obj /area and /turf, /turf is a fairly high number at compile-time.
Well if you want to use turfs you can have them use the enter proc and when they enter and "destroy" the turf you can have it change icon states to the layer that would be under it.
turf |