Well, before the problem reared it's ugly head, I have to tell you that my birthday was a few days ago. I was at dad's house for the weekend, and I got an I-Pod Shuffle(I had wanted a Nano). This thing's really un-organized, but It was still okay...
Now, the problem came when dad and I were at a local building in order to use the DSL Connection there to buy some songs I didn't have on any CD's or stored on my Laptop.. We were doing this because dad's place only has Dial-Up, and downloads pretty slowly.
Anyway, we were at the place, and I found out that we couldn't use the computers there because they had USB-1.0 Ports and my I-Pod uses 2.0... Well, I figured we could still use my Laptop and hook it up to the DSL line, since it had a 2.0 port and everthing would be o-kay. I was wrong.

As soon as I plugged the I-Pod on the side port, the computer froze. I tried the back port, and the computer unfroze, but didn't detect the I-Pod. Maybie it was just a small error, we figured. I re-started the computer, and then I realized a disaster had happened.

My only computer, a 1 Year-Old laptop, had gone in to some sort of coma. Whenever I start it up, the screen appears, but then goes blank, despite the clear loading noise the computer makes. I can get in to bios, but no changes I make can restore the computer. I hope to god that the problem was with the Windows XP software. Dad says the USB port might have been messed up, though.
Anyway, I have no computer now, and I'm stuck typing on dad's. Since I'm going back home today, I have no computer and will not unless I can find the boot-disk, which I can't remember seeing since I first got the computer. What's worse, I have never ONCE backed up anything on that computer. I hope to god I get it working right, because everything important I have is on that computer: Games, Documents, Pictures, the works.

In other words, until and if I can get the computer fixed without losing any memory on the hard drive, I won't be able to use the computer, or get any more songs for this I-Pod...(I have only 7 right now, and I'm leaving dad's place in a few hours.)
Dude, that sucks. Good luck!