This is a newly posted Bleach game, its still being edited so don't judge too harshly. Considering this game hasn't yet reached the level of originality that enables one to take full credit, I give credit where it is due.
Also looking for a 24/7 host will be made a gm and will be in charge of the server. (Update): Host not needed atm, Nick8065 is currently hosting. Hosters may be needed in the future, I'll keep you posted.
Modkonesoul / Dragonsupreme
Nick8065 (Current Host)
(Open Spot)
(Open Spot)
(Open Spot)
(Open Spot)
(Open Spot)
(Open Spot)
(Open Spot)
(Open Spot)
Player Rules:
The Rules are as follows: 1.)Listen to and respect all Owners/Admins/GMs/Enforcers if you don't its first warn/warn/boot/ban (I believe in secound chances :D)
2.)Use Mild Language, This means no heavy swearing! warn/warn/mute
3.)Don't Ask for Admin/GM/Enforcer, these spots will be filled by the owners warn/mute/boot/ban
4.)Respect all Players (this falls under rule 1, just thought i'd add it although it should be common sense. warn/warn/mute
5.)Absolutely NO Adult Content! This is a strict rule! Ban/Ipban
6.)No spamming
7.)HAVE FUN, this is the most important rule, games are made to have fun punishment for breaking this rule is nothing!
Admin/GM/Enforcers Rules:
1.)Follow all player rules, dont think your above them because your not Warn/demotion/loss of gm
2.)Do not abuse! warn/demotion/loss of gm
I will add on to the rules as i see fit
Rank reqs:(Unless determined otherwise)
Captain - 100k
- One:
- Two:
- Three:
- Four:
- Five:
- Six:
- Seven:
- Eight:
- Nine:
- Ten:
- Eleven:
- Twelve:
- Thirteen:
Vai Leader - 200k
Espada Leader - 150k
Other ranks yet to be added. (ask about others in game... if i haven't added them here yet, Sorry)
Aug 17 2009, 10:00 pm