Keywords: motivation
I responded to my setback in the worst possible (and probably predictable for a long-time gamer) way: escapism.

Seeing how Mass Effect 2 is coming out in January '10, I might as well square away a good save game file with a hero to import, right? So that was my Thursday, Friday, Saturday, reinstalling and playing Mass Effect. I probably would have finished the game if I didn't start over a few times.

Now I'm sitting here on Sunday feeling not unlike I've a hangover. I probably spent even less time gaming than I did on forums. My week of vacation off is over, and it's like sand through my fingers. What a waste of time the later half of this week has been.

You know what? Screw this noise. It's time to set priorities where I want them to be instead of where I think they aught to be.
  1. I'm not terribly happy with this school grind I've been doing, and I'm thinking I was mistaken to try to prioritize school first. I'll just put the bare minimum effort towards passing and, I wouldn't be surprised to discover, I might end up doing even better than wracking my brain at it.
  2. Gaming falls fairly low on my priority list too because, really, I'm bored of the typical game. There's so much over-commercialized crap these days - I really prefer to try to get back to the basics that made this hobby great to begin with.
  3. Making games (and getting my fat kester on a treadmill every once in awhile simply so my physical inactivity doesn't make me feel like crap) should be my top priority. Not because I've an imaginary picture of being a great game designer in my head, but because the process of creation is probably one of the few true joys I have left in life.
So that's how it's going to be over the last couple weeks of school for this semester. With any luck, I'll end up wasting a lot less time on forums, because any time I'm on a forum is just idling in the face of cognitive dissonance, and this plan I'm outlining here is the opposite: going with the flow.
I wouldn't say prioritizing school so low is a good thing, a little effort isn't bad. Wasting all your time on it though, is bad.
I wouldn't say prioritizing school so low is a good thing, a little effort isn't bad.

In this case, it'd be wasting my time not doing it because the high priority I put on it made it too stressful to approach doing. I'm thinking a lower priority will actually help.

And if not, maybe school just isn't for me right now? It's a fundamental human drive problem so deep and pervading that it cannot be reasoned around. I aught to pay attention to that.

I'm not talking about dropping out of high school here, I'm talking about being a university student with a very bad, highly aggravated, case of Senior Syndrome.