Keywords: ball, dbz, dragon, inflicted, soulz, z
This is the Dragonball Z - Inflicted Soulz etc. news thread.

Check here for upcoming events, GM / Iconning / Host requests, and more.


[Updates and more updates, GMs needed.]

November 26th, 2009


So I'm sure you're all aware that I've placed Mathinic in charge of updates for the time being, I will be assisting him when possible but I've been quite busy lately with real life stuff.

Anyways, Mathinic has implemented some awesome updates in the current version, 0.85e

You can find a list of updates on the front page, and I expect you ALL to give Mathinic your thanks!

On the contrary, the administration team is looking for 2-3 more GMs preferably located in the USA/Canada that can help participate in making sure that the game's environment is maintained and healthy. If you believe you are a good candidate, please post your application here; index.php?s=ba2b72da76c65679b710cdd31a516be6&showforum=6

There will be another update sometime after new years, 2010. Stay tuned.


oi man hit me up...

let me host this game i have i7 32gb ram 100mbit fast connection.. hit me up let me host this man