
Poll: What game you like most?

Resident Evil Online 2 37% (23)
Naruto GOA 8% (5)
Paradise City 0% (0)
Bleach 0% (0)
Mitadake High 8% (5)
Mafia 4% (3)
Feval 22% (14)
Castle 3% (2)
Space Station 13 9% (6)
War of Heroes 1% (1)
Bleach: Las Noches 4% (3)

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I would Pick None, But Bleach Las Noches is there. I Enjoyed it for a week or so. Then got a little Dull.
Where's tedrial?
Dinomaster45 wrote:
Where's tedrial?

Seika. Aaiko renamed it.
All of them are okay, except Bleach by Vicentg. The Bleach by Vicentg fails.
I was just guessing games that I see people go on a lot.
Castle IMO. Havnt played Feval yet.
Only one I've played is Castle and I wasn't a huge fan of it.
Out of the ones posted, Feval.
Biohaze... Hands Down