Anyway, if you've played Diablo 2 or World of Warcraft (or pretty much any other MORPG) then you know what to expect here:

The player on the right (SilkWizard) has pressed the action button while facing the player on the left (Hamlet), which has brought up the Greet menu.

Again a picture of SilkWizard's screen after clicking the "TRADE" button in the Greet menu. Once the trade HUD popped up, the player has clicked on the axe in their inventory.

Now on Hamlet's screen, we see that SilkWizard has moved the axe into the trade window by either clicking the "TRADE" button shown in the previous shot, or by dragging it over. Hamlet could now click on this item to view its stats; instead Hamlet has clicked on the "GOLD" button and set the amount of gold to trade to 1000.

Hamlet clicked the "OK" button to confirm the amount of gold to trade, and then pressed his "ACCEPT TRADE" button. As seen from SilkWizard's screen, this button turns green for both of the players. Once SilkWizard clicks on his own "ACCEPT TRADE" button to confirm the trade, the transaction will be complete:

After the first player presses their "ACCEPT TRADE" button, any changes in the trade by either player will cause the button to deactivate. This means that the button must be clicked again to confirm the new changes.
Note that the player who initiated the trade always has the top trade window. Either player can cancel the trade at anytime by closing their trade window. Nothing is final until both players press their respective "ACCEPT TRADE" buttons.