Gameplay: 8/10
The gameplay is the only part of the game that I even have a fault with.
The gameplay consists of three aspects
Gathering is the simple process of gaining raw materials through methods of: Mining, Chopping and digging.
There are multiple different types of Ore and Multiple types of resource that can be dug up. There truly is huge diversity in this game. Unfortunately, it takes a while to gather these resources. Generally tediously standing there and clicking a tree to death. There is are two gathering modes, Manual and Automatic. Automatic is slower, but requires nothing more than a double-click of the object, Manual is much faster, but requires good timing and when a bit laggy, is sometimes inaccurate.

Building is a simple process, you must use resources that you gather in part with tools, of which there are at least twenty different, to build one of what I can only guess to be about 70 odd different objects.
These range from walls and doors, to wells and bridges. Chairs and Tables, to Swords and Sheilds. Again the game shows us its immense diversity.
Combat is another thing I have a slight problem with, with the exception of archery (Which I will cover soon) it is literally button bashing whilst facing your enemy.
Archery is much the same, but you must first face your enemy from a slight distance.
There aren't many enemies in the game, but I suspect many more are in the making, in Hazordhu version 4, there were about 10, now I only know of 5, and four of them aren't hostile!

The game doesn't require leveling, but instead you are fixed at a point, chosen by the 'heritage' you choose when you are making your character, which while rather unimaginative, stops mindless grinders from unbalancing the game.
There are 7 stats,
All of which do their obvious trait,
Health - When this reach 0 you die
Blood - When you are hurt you will bleed, if your blood reaches 0 before the would heals, you will lose MORE health.
Stamina - If you Run instead of walk, you will lose stamina and pass out if it reaches 0. (I suggest avoiding this problem by getting a steed!)
Last thing on gameplay, the four seasons. They are Spring, Autumn, Summer and Winter. When winter comes, crops will die and water will freeze, when Autumn or Summer come, wild plants will grow and can be collectable.
Presentation: 9/10

The icons and sprites are all 100% original, created by F0lak, the games creator.
There are many many different icons, however most of which only have a single icon state and a single direction. Since the update from version 4 to 5, we have seen multiple directional Mobs, which are a very well done indeed.
The skin is ugly, unfortunately. Otherwise it would of been a 10, and still the icons are good enough to keep it from being lower. The skin is a sick-green colour, where buttons mix and match all over the place, in no real order. Rather annoyingly, the Inventory and Build, for lack of a better word, tabs, are windows, which clog up the screen, and often lead me to miss the corner of the map or the suchlike.

There are many many sounds in this game, each animal has it's own respective sound, and most if not all actions have a sound. Even walking! When a season changes you are met with a new sound, be it howling winds, or chirping birds.
Originality: 10/10
Nothing is old, nothing is ripped, it's all new. You won't find another game like Hazordhu on the interweb!
Overall: 9/10
It's a game that looks as if it's polished, but in reality is still a baby in the gaming world.
It's done to a hugely high standard, and can be played for hours on end. The community is great, with RP enforced strongly, and helpful.
I hope to see this game become one of BYOND's greatest.
Thank you for reading!