Name Ranking Change
#1 Flash Speed 608 +49 ^
#2 Ragneo 603 +9 v
#3 Lexeous-kun 577 +10 v
#4 D4RK3 54B3R 460 +87 ^
#5 Klra 435 -27 ^
#6 ELGears 415 -112 v
#7 Super Saiyan X 404 -16 v
Name Ranking Change
#1 Tyrantis123 581 +115 ^
#2 Alitron123 551 +3
#3 Jittai 549 +0 v
#4 Higoten 517 +14
#5 Truseeker 502 +0
#6 Willdowe12 500 +0 ^
#7 UnknownMurder 500 +0 ^
#8 Magnum2k 485 -22 v
#9 Vendettaune 479 +0 ^
#10 Acebloke 465 -32 v
#11 TikTik 464 +0 ^
#12 TheBrawler424 459 -27 v
#13 Yusuke13 449 -51 v
Sorry, no video commentary today. Both me and D4Rk3 54B3R were way too tired to record and there was no one online when we were ready to do it. ):
Both the Grandmaster bracket and the Open bracket have some very interesting stories to tell. Flash Speed takes first place in the Grandmaster bracket and Tyrantis takes a gigantic lead over the Open bracket. Will these players be able to hold on to their rank until the end, there's no doubt it will be a constant struggle.
Do you think that Flash Speed can take it to the end? Leave your opinion in the comments section below!