The mouse wheel did not work in the browser control.
BYOND Version:458
Operating System:Windows XP Pro
Web Browser:Internet Explorer 8.0
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Resolved (494)

This issue has been resolved.
Duplicates:id:104584, id:96005, id:121498, id:91795
Descriptive Problem Summary:
This issue is actually twofold because apparently my mouse's scroll wheel and my touchpad's "scroll wheel" (moving my finger along the right-side of it) I'll state that my computer is a Dell Latitude D630 because I don't really know anything about touchpads. The two environments I've tested these in also don't have custom skins.

Touchpad abnormality: In BYOND Tabletop Gaming and one of my own games I've tried hosting, stat panels and command panels only scroll if there is not a stat panel or command panel that is able to scroll to the right of it. So like, if I have
where panels A through C and E are all very, very long all that's on panel D contains, like, one verb or one "stat" -- not long enough to requires a scroll bar -- only panels C and E will scroll with my touchpad. My mouse's scroll wheel works fine, though. I really had no idea they were any different, but there you go.

(Actually, with the code I'm posting below, the leftmost panel seems to act like a free agent of buggy sorts... it doesn't always scroll, but it doesn't follow the same rules as the other ones... maybe I'm just wrong? All I know for certain is that it doesn't work right.)

Second abnormality: Neither my touch pad nor mouse's scroll wheel will scroll in HTML popups or the main browser window when the browse() proc makes a window large enough to require scrolling.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Just use the code below, and try to scroll in the resulting windows with a touch pad and a mouse's scroll wheel, since they apparently behave differently.
Code Snippet (if applicable) to Reproduce Problem:
var/X = 1
while(X < 10) //Nine stat panels
var/Y = 1
if(X % 2 == 0) //Half of them will be short; change the 2 to observe different behaviours
stat("I NOT SCROLL")
while(Y < 20) // Or larger, if needed.

var/html = ""
var/ctr = 0 //Can't have too many counters.
while(ctr < 100)
html += ":D!<BR>"
src << browse(html,"window=HappyWindow")
src << browse(html)

Expected Results:
Every window, whether stat panel or HTML, should scroll when I use my touch pad or mouse wheel

Actual Results:
Not every window, whether stat panel nor HTM
Stat panels always scroll with mouse wheel, HTML popups never scroll for mouse or touchpad, stat panels... strangely... scroll with touchpad.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
It behaves as I described, every time.
In other games?
In other user accounts?
On other computers?
Untested. If it counts, I can use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to my Win XP computer I use to host things with BYOND 454.1036, it seems to scroll the stat panels just fine. I can't really test my touchpad on another computer any other way, though.

When does the problem NOT occur?
You can scroll the main text box just fine. That's about it. I also don't know about the main non-popup browser window; I think it might behave the same.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)
I'm pretty sure the stat panel thing is fairly recent because I use my touchpad a lot and would notice this, but I don't remember the exact version. Maybe when I'm not so sleepy I'll bother to download back-versions. I also have a feeling like the browser windows used to scroll a very long time ago, like around the switch to 4.0.

...The scroll bars work! As a client, avoid low resolution and touchpads (Interestingly enough, Windows 95 will not have drivers your touchpad, yet it will make you use a lower resolution.). As a programmer, avoid... stat panels and browser windows...

EDIT: I noticed last night that I can scroll horizontally in HTML windows using my touchpad, but not vertically.
If I follow this report correctly you're talking about two separate issues, which really should each be reported separately. If the mouse works but the touchpad doesn't, then the touchpad is simply sending the wrong scroll messages, so that is not a BYOND bug; it's a touchpad bug. As for the browser control, that is a known issue that has already been reported, so I'm marking this report as a duplicate of that.
In Redmond they have a refrain:
No interface works without pain.
The mouse wheel resisted;
This coder persisted,
And fin'ly the beast has been slain.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
The mouse wheel did not work in the browser control.
You did it! You really did it!