PUC homepage: http://pokmonultimatechallenge.blogspot.com/
-Pokémon Ultimate Challenge (Kanto), has finally picked up some progress and will be up soon, hope-fully!
-Progress Report: Programming(Basic game-play) - Pixel Art(Some progress)
-Dinomaster45: Graphic artist/Pixel artist
-*Open*: Programmer/Map artist
Game Features
In game items, to help you throughout the game.
-Invincibility (Gives you invincibility for 10 seconds.)
-Special item (Allows you to release a super attack defeating multiple foes.)
-Rare golden badge (If you find this you unlock the Gold badge medal, but they are rare to find.)
-Sack of cash (When you pick one of these up it gives you a bonus of 45 poke dollars.)
Forum coming soon.
Once this one is finished we will be working on the second one.
Feel free to resubmit when this is resolved.
As a general hint though, first impression is rather important. Please consider providing a stable release with content (a.k.a finished game) before submission, else your future customers are bound to rate your game on the lack of functionality and thus won't return.