format = "$'drop'; ~$obj(contents, user, 0)"
priority = 1
Process(mob/user, obj/Item/I)
if(I.equip == 0)
user << "You drop [I.displayname]"
oview(0) << "[user.name] drops [I.displayname]"
user.contents -= I
I.loc = user.loc
user << "You can't drop this you're wearing it!"
Problem description:
I'm trying to make it drop items that have equip of 0 but if i am wearing an item and have duplicate of the same item and im wearing one of them it wont let me drop the equipment with an equip of 0..anyway around this T.T
Ex: drop 2.sword or get 3.potion
I would recommend removing equipped item from your inventory list though, just create an equipped list and move it there when an item is worn.