Wal Mart is having a deal on xbox 360s right now where if you buy the 199$ arcade version, you get a 100$ gift card. wat.

Check it out

It's sold out online, but in stores you can probably still find them, sale ends soon though.
If I had the money, I'd pick one up for my little brother, eh, I guess I could always let him use my modified 360 x.x
"Out of Stock"
Haywire wrote:
"Out of Stock"

Reread the post.
Jeff8500 wrote:
Haywire wrote:
"Out of Stock"

Reread the post.

My bad, thanks.
Where I live, you can get a refurbished pro for around 100$.
I Pass. lulz.
But good Deal, for my brothers and little sisters.
I'ma buy one, then sell it so I can pay for Xbox Live on my other 360.

They had the same deal last black friday. I would have expected something different.
Kamahamaha135, get the fuck out of here. I work at Wal*Mart and it was just a random ass day they decided to sell a bunch of electronics for no good reason at rock bottom prices. Go bitch about something else.
Ham Doctor wrote:
Kamahamaha135, get the fuck out of here. I work at Wal*Mart and it was just a random ass day they decided to sell a bunch of electronics for no good reason at rock bottom prices. Go bitch about something else.

How you came up with him bitching I don't know, but he was not.
He simply stated that they did the same thing last weak and that something different would have been expected. Maybe if you learned how to read, things like this wouldn't happen.

And it wasn't random, I too work at wal-mart and they did that for a straight week where I live.
Now as you say, " go bitch about something else".
My bad, my manager said our store was offering the deals till the inventory was gone. We have almost all of it still.
Tell Rip Nation, since I'm banned and whatnot from his site, to take a look at this... JediAnus?command=view_post&post=89123#comments
Oh howdy there, folks. I see I have some fanboys, huh Maximus? Oh goodie.