What do you guys think?
What do you mean what we think? "We" probably don't think anything of your game because the way it looks is just.. too much for us to fathom. How's that? I love every one of these images. Including the status bars. This game already shows great promise.
I was just stumbling across some posts here on the BYOND forums, and I've never heard of anything like this (Despite the Fire Laguz thingy you guys mentioned earlier). You should be proud of yourself. That art is amazing and I can't wait to see it all put together. Good luck.
Yucky filter. Oh please oh please, Santa Lummox. Come to us for Christmas with some wonderful nearest-neighbor interpolation so that excellent art like this can be used to its fullest.
Can the bars be put in a different order? Maybe longest to shortest looks weird as it is.
Here, just sharing a Character Creation / Selection mock with you guys... I particularly like this way of doing it: