Hey guys, this is a preview of my next project; Black Fire. The game revolves in a fantasy setting, where the world is inhabited by humans with particular animal attributes, and in this world ruled by Kings and Queens it's always the poor that have to go to war to defend their countries beliefs.

Just a quick map, it won't be this simplistic loll.
The game will be Isometric, real time RPG - so fast paced fighting, based around martial arts and inner energy control (resembling dragon ball in this aspect) the game still retains some foundamental RPG aspects but trys to take them to a higher level of innovation in the way stat points and skill points work.
Edit: New Stat and Skill System - We have decided that there will be no Overall Level for your Character and no Points to Invest. Your character will grow depending on your fighting style, takings hits will raise your defense, dealing them will raise your attack. Dodging will raise Evasion and Criticals will raise Critical % and damage, the exp. rates will depend on the enemy you're fighting, how much stronger it is than you and how untrained your abilities are compared to his.
As for skills, using them will level them - simple enough, but you will have to "Buy" or find Hidden Scrolls to learn new Techniques.
Note Energy Attacks aren't stat based, they are fixed damaged based on anything, could be the foes HP, their defense, or even your own speed.</font
In the past weeks I've dedicated myself to handling the raw Concept Art for each class in the game, here's a few with their descriptions to follow (more to come)

The Crows
In terms of stats they're weak defensively, but can pack a punch if played right. Their highest boast would probably be Speed and or Dexterity, working around evasion and critical smacks - but also trickier effects like poisoning and paralyzing the enemy.
They reside in the rocky cliffs nearby the Ocean, they live in extremely high places and divide their own in terms of class - the Peasants live in the lower sections, while Royalty and Elites live higher up, closer to the Queens Castle.
They're the only class that uses some kind of weaponry in the game, an optional Claw - which widens the players weaponries, but considerly slows the player down with its massive weight.
A few techniques would include (Names may change):
- Soaring Dive: The Player flys up and scoops down hitting a small linear AoE infront of him.
- Quick Tornado Spin: Player starts spinning on spot, hitting players around him and knocking them back.
- Lashing Backclaw: A close combat attack which attacks with the back of the hand, leaving enemy stunned for a few seconds, a great setup attack.
- Venotherapy: User gains a Poisoning attribute on his Mechanical Claw for a short time, any attack inflicted with
the Claw during this buff will result in poisoning the adversary.
Passives: Evasion Increase, Movement Increase, Critical Mastery, and their signature passive; Shiny Shiny! which increases chance of loot and gold to drop.

The Tigers
The Tigers in terms of stats are pretty balanced with no real weakness, except maybe in that they have some long cooldowns on most of their "super" techniques but with that said their offense definetly stands out - especially when in Berserk mode. They passively master the normal attack speed, making them the fastest close combat offensive threat - they won't stop beating you until you're down to a pulp.
Their habitat is in the Amazonian forests, as they prefer the humid heat. Their known for their extremely short tempers, it's the only social structure without laws against street fights (this doens't mean they can go around murdering each other though) and it's an accepted part of their culture to simply smash whatever is next to them
whenever they're angry.
They're the only class in the game to have an "alternate form" or transformation if you will, during extreme situations, where their anger reaches its peak they mutate into ferocious beasts with monstrous speed and power. This form however rends them Berserk, and doesn't let them recognize between foe and allies - and once it dies down it leaves them in a heavy state of exhaustion and confusion.
A few techniques:
- Wild Combo: A very fast close combat physical combo, the player can't be stopped or stunned while performing this combo.
- Roar: The player stuns himself and everyone around him for some seconds and demands respect in his battlefield (Range Increases through levels).
- Jaw Blast: The player sends out a beam of pure energy out of their mouth towards the enemy (See Reecomes Mouth Blast from DBZ for more information).
- Dragon Claw Rush: The player flash steps forward and cuts down anything in its path with an X strike from their extremely sharp Claws.
Passives: Attack Speed Mastery, Movement Increase, Stun Resistance and Berserkers Fury - their unique passive which alows them to take upon the Berserker mode aspect once their Rage bar is at its limit.

The Lions
Stat wise they have the best bulk in game, high HP and high Defense. This means they can take alot of hits, which really is what their role is all about - not that you couldn't focus on power if you wanted to, but usually even their techniques focus on the survivability of them and their team. If we want to compare the Lion to a standard RPG class, they would be the Paladins of the game.
They live in the mountains, close to the Tigers region - infact these two Tribes keep a strong alliance and together pride in the most powerful military structure in the entire continent. They are strong natured people, and very kind at heart - they simply train to become strong enough to protect what is truly dear to them, their friends and family.
The unique thing about them is that they can link their energy force with that of their friends and allies, and absorb every hit they take as long as they're in radius. This means their allies become practically Invincible, as long as the Lion remains alive (which shouldn't be a problem, given their defensive prowess).
Some Techniques:
- Iron Chest: Doubles the Lions defense during combat and prevents the user to be afflicted by most status conditions.
- Shoulder Slam: User slams into the target with their shoulder knocking them back a set distance.
- Intimidation: Player stares with cold eyes at it's enemy, lowering their stats and stunning them for a really short time.
- Protective Pounce: This technique activates a Counter Attack effect, but casted on a single ally - when that ally gets attacked by an enemy the player instantly jumps on the enemy to protect his ally.
Passives: Defensive Mastery, Hit Points Increase, Energy Resitance (When maxed cuts in half any type of damage received from Energy Attacks), and Synchro - the move explained earlier which allows the player to take blows for their team, rendering them Invincible at the players own risk.

The Monkeys & The Gorillas
Ok so, I'll include both of these races since they live in the same territory - a Jungle not so far away from the Ravens region. Stat wise they're very different - Gorillas have good HP and pack the hardest bare Punch in the game, they hit so hard you could have a momentary amnesia and forget who you are and what is it you were doing. While the Monkeys are masters of the Acrobatism, they fly from left to right in pure flexability and boast large Evasion and Speed.
The Apes are the most pacifistic tribe in the game, they don't care about waging War against other nations or in participating in them - they only care about 2 things; eating and sleeping. This doesn't make them egotistical or particularly cynical, they are very friendly people, with a culture that allows them to joke about anything - even in the most serious of moments.
These two classes both have very Unique abilities, the Monkeys max out their speed and become even faster then they were originally, flying from one side of the screen to the next - an uncatchable foe. While the Gorillas passive allows them to regenerate their wounds in extremely fast recovery rates, and increasing their max HP momentarilly - making them almost as hard to kill as the Lions.
Some of the Monkeys Techniques:
- Pre-Emptive Instincts: The Monkey activates a self protective buff which will allow them to dodge the next attack they'll receive in either Close Combat or Ranged situations.
- Triple Axe Kick: The Monkey deals three kicks one after the next in quick succession to the enemy.
- Banagranana: Monkey throws a Granade made of pure Energy at the enemy in the shape of a Banana.
- Sweet Sweep: Sweeps the enemies legs and makes them fall backwards.
Passives Include: Evasive Mastery, Movement Mastery, Attack Speed Mastery, Quickster - Maxes out movement, allows mini flash stepping (with a set cooldown inbetween step).
And the Gorillas Techniques:
- Double Coconut Boat: Gorilla smashes his giant hands on the enemy, stunning them for a bit.
- Supplex Dessert: Gorilla grabs the enemy and throws them backwards, leaving them stunned on the floor.
- Flying Rocket: The Gorilla extends his arm and runs forward, smacking down everything in its path.
- Double Barrell Wave: User extends his arms forward and throws two energy waves (not directly forward, but northeast and northwest) hitting any group of enemies in those areas.
Passives Include: Strenght Mastery, Hit Points Mastery, Wrestling Champion (Which Increases damage done by Grapples up to 100%) and their unique passive, Yum-Yum - which regenerates their HP and heals all their wounds and status conditions over time, also increasing their maximum HP by a % of their current HP.
For now this are all the Classes that will be in the games Closed Alpha and Beta testing... We're also planning to introduce Wolfs with a Samurai aspect to their gameplay, Martial Arts inept Pandas, possibly Snakes... And other type of bird tribes like Hawks and Swans.
TBA list:
Crows / Ravens
Monkeys / Gorillas
Crocodiles / Alligators
Note: Once we have enough Art we will get out of Byond and move onto Java, this will be my last game here on Byond aswell - It's my goodbye and farewell to my beginnings and origins... I hope to find success from here onwards :) thanks to all of you that have played my games and have motivated me this far.