LOG: has connected.
( the Saiyan has been created.
xxx.xx.29.168 has connected.
runtime error: Cannot read null.view
proc name: ShowMap (/mob/proc/ShowMap)
usr: Vusion (/mob)
src: Vusion (/mob)
call stack:
Vusion (/mob): ShowMap()
Vusion (/mob): ProcessLogin()
Vusion (/mob): StartLogin()
Vusion (/mob): Login()
runtime error: Cannot read null.address
proc name: ProcessLogin (/mob/proc/ProcessLogin)
usr: Vusion (/mob)
src: Vusion (/mob)
call stack:
Vusion (/mob): ProcessLogin()
Vusion (/mob): StartLogin()
Vusion (/mob): Login()

Problem description:

Currently when someone makes a character and someone else tries to login to it from another IP it will give errors and close out the connection i think is due to the key that is assigned to the mob on first login? any idea how to fix this?