Not a bug
BYOND Version:455
Operating System:Win 7
Web Browser:Firefox 3.5.4
Status: Not a bug

This is not a bug. It may be an incorrect use of syntax or a limitation in the software. For further discussion on the matter, please consult the BYOND forums.
Problem: When moving behind an object such as the wall in the demo below the icon will temporarily show in front of the wall. Change the wall's layer does nothing to stop this.

Steps: Run the demo below and follow it's directions. (Step on the blue tile heading north in the first Step)

Expected results: Mob to go behind wall disapeering as the wall overlaps the icon.

Actual: The mob gets top layer priority for the movement.

Occurs Every Time tested and Unsure about on other computers. Yes it happens in different games as well. I reported this awhile on my other key, but it got deleted.

This is the only version with Isometric Map Format, so there is no previous Byond version.


The other Error is commented in the code file.
The blue tile you're using in your demo is pushing the mob one tile to the west the instant it's stepped on. When you walk onto it moving north, instead of gliding north you'll be gliding northwest onto the new tile. The diagonal glide means your mob is still considered part of the nearer tile for layering purposes until it reaches its destination, as is explained in the Reference.

To avoid any graphical anomalies you'll need to make the blue tile push your mob over after the original glide onto the blue tile is completed. The easiest way to do this is to put in a short sleep() and then test if the mob is still standing there.

(Also, I highly recommend posting files to your member file space instead of mediafire. Files are much easier to download when not going through one of those ad-riddled services.)
Sorry, but don't declare it not a bug yet! That's why I had 2 parts, change Activate to 0, step on the blue tile then press west. if you do so you will see your icon above the wall just as you had with the first part until the icon stops it's motion.
I see what you mean there. That is a legitimate bug (and not necessarily an easy fix). Please post it in a separate report.