And you don't use Login anywhere else at all?
i'm positive.
Try setting the x,y,z instead of loc? Not ideal but merely to poke around.
In response to Jittai
How would I do that?

login["mob"] >> usr
login["1"] >> usr.x
login["9"] >> usr.y
login["9"] >> usr.z
I think he meant
src.x = 1
src.y = 9
src.z = 9
That wont work due to duplication stuff
basicly it's the first response
world<<"[src] has joined the world"
src.loc = locate(1,9,9)
src.client.view = 8
Use <dm> tags please.
Do you have a map?
Does your map have at least 9 z-levels?
Does that level have turfs?
Do turfs have icons?
Try putting this into your code:
stat("Coordinates:","[src.x], [src.y], [src.z]")

What coordinates do you see in Stats tab?
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