that is AWESOME
i've stared at it for almost 5 minutes, nothing has happened. Was the trick me falling for this?
No if it is all blue reload the page, it looks awesome
thats pretty cool.
Thats cool.
lol one of the walls is yellow,one red and the one in the middle is blue only if i move my eyes the colour goes away
Holy shit allso if u put somthing in the way u can get spots with no color
it's not a mind trick, it's an eye trick
No, it's a brain trick. Your eyes just take in light, your brain processes it. The quick change from color to black and white causes your brain to process it how it BELIEVES it should look, as in, how you'd normally see a scene like that.
i may be wrong, but i was under the impression that staring at the colors in the image wore out those specific colors in your retina, so it instead displayed the opposite color (which means they had to be specific when choosing which colors to use in the "fake" colored image)
Holy shit that was freaky.