
Dungeon is going well, the new boss system is nearly fully implemented. Demo video coming out soon to show how wicked gameplay is. Then all I have to do is add a lobby, and a gear system and we're good to go. Lobby system is gonna take a bit though :O

Edit: You'll observe from point B on, I really want to f#$%ing hit you.
I guess, on your graph, you'd really want to NOT hit me. I'm probably at -300 or something. Naruto FTL.

Dungeon sounds like it's going to be awesome. Can't wait for the video.
How do you intend to do the lobby system? I might be able to aid you in that respect if you're short on ideas.
I know exactly what I want to do, I've just never attempted the coding for a lobby system before with multiple maps being generated for it. However, I have a pretty good idea on what I will need to make it, if I have any problems though, I'll let you know.