Ok, so here i'll post all my suggestions, since i dont like sending comment and i'm used to make posts for everything.
jutsu 1: Earth Chamber of Nothingness
This is, as you see, a jutsu for Jiroubou. It would make a chamber that doesnt deals damage but drains the chakra fast. I think Jiroubou has few skills (and none are useful for the team, they're just damage and damage) so it's okay. The chamber would appear in front of Jiroubou, leaving place to trap 3-4 characters if they're all together. The jutsu will be released as soon as the skill chakra drain effect has been done. Jutsus to get out of these situations like Teleport to Kunai or Lion Combo could still be used. Here are the sprites.
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ EarthChamberofNothingness.png
Jutsu 2 (Minato): Flying Thunder God Jutsu or Hiraishin no Jutsu
So, i think for Minato is very easy to escape with his Kunai teleport (so we could replace the teleport kunai with this skill or just add this as a new one). I think we could do this: add a skill named 'Give Kunai' and then a window will pop up, that shows the number of the allies in the screen. You can give up to a maximum of 3 kunais, you lose and restore them each time you get knocked out.
That ally will have your kunai (this doesnt need icon or anything), and when you wish, you can use Hiraishin no Jutsu to teleport to your ally, supporting him wherever you are, and after that, the kunai will destroy and you will have 2 left. It would spend the same chakra as Teleport to Kunai, but if you have less than 20% life you wont be able to do this.
Sprites here:
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Minatohiraishin.png
Jutsu 2: (Asuma) Ash Pile Burning or Haisekkishou
I think we could add some new jutsu to Asuma to make it more appealing and having a area jutsu (however, it would cover maximum 3 persons if they're together). The jutsu consists on blowing ashes, and then he releases a sparkle with his teeth, igniting the ash pile and burning anyone who was on it. I think it shouldnt be a weak or a strong jutsu, this skill would be right in the middle.
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ KatonHaisekishou-1.png
Jutsu 3: (Minato and Hiruzen)Dead Demon Consuming Seal or Shiki Fuujin
I think this jutsu/summon could be perfectly added to the game. Since i know there would be opness problems, i suggest different options as effect.
This skill can only be used ONCE per round.
1.- Minato/Hiruzen and the affected get knocked down automatically, the user needs his chakra at 100%. (Extra: Since it seals your soul, if you die by this skill, you can't be revived)
2.- Minato/Hiruzen and the affected DIE automatically, the number of lives he had before doesnt matter. If Minato gets attacked during the time of the proccess, the skill would be canceled and nobody would die but Minato would get instant K.O. (Extra: None of the 2 can be revived since it seals your soul, Extra 2: It can only be used when the affected has %15 life or less, Extra 3: It can only be used when the affected has 25% life, 50% chakra and 50% stamina or less)
3.- Minato/Hiruzen and the affected DIE automatically, the number of lives he had before doesnt matter. If Minato gets attacked during the time of the proccess, the skill would be canceled and nobody would die but Minato would get instant K.O., but they can be revived if they get revive on them 3 times. If they die again they will need 4 revives, if they die again 5, and going like that.
You can also mix the options or suggest new ones, of course.
Here are the awesome sprites:
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Wararafinished.png
Jutsu 4: Bringer of Darkness Technique or Kokuangyo no Jutsu
Tobirama had a very, VERY powerful genjutsu, that blinded the enemy on a infinite darkness. It should be just like Zetsu blind jutsu, no icons needed i think.
Suggestion 1: Hashirama Senju
I think he needs to be added in the game, its the only Hokage who's not there. Here are 4 sprite sheets, i think the 2nd and the 4th look BEAST. (Somehow they have few skills, but you can just use the handseal icons and put the jutsus that dont use Hashirama's icons.
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ shodaimesheetcopyne7.png
Suggestion 2 (The awesomest): Kisame fused with Samehada
I think that with this Kisame will look pretty badass. My idea of activating this mode is that you will be on your last life, and your life will get reduced to the 40% but you will have an insane chakra and stamina. If you want to have the "Last Stand for Samehada or Kisame" icons, it could be when Kisame's chakra reaches 25%. I think this should be in game for sure.
http://www.neuropod.net/imagehost/uploads/ 5cb345a4a91bb494ca37c6f265d5b213.PNG
Suggestion 3: New Tournament Stages
I think that having only 1 tournament stage is boring. It would be cooler if we had like 4 maps which would been chosen random for each match of the tournament. Like this, depending of the map your chances of winning would increase or decrease.
Suggestion 4: Adventure Mode
Some of you have played Ninja Council 3 and similars. What if we dont fight between us, real people, and fight against NPC? Those would be the NPCs from games like Ninja Council 2, 3, 4 and those things, they would get extra stats depending on the number of people of course, and certain jutsus would be restricted, such as Susanoo, Amaterasu... but, for these modes BIG stages would be needed. I will post icons and go further if Eternal wants to know more about this idea.
Suggestion 5: Waterstages
I think some stages could have water to make it less boring and making the game depend more on strategies, i mean, if you walk on water, you lose chakra. If you get out of chakra over the water, you get automatic K.O., if you like this idea i can add icons.
http://spritedatabase.net/files/ds/55/Background/ NC4-ForestOfDeath1.png
(There are the surfaces, down the surfaces you can just put blue squares)
Suggestion 6: Kakuzu's true jutsus
Okay, i don't like Kakuzu jutsus since no one really shows his abilities except for his melee attacks. That's why we could add some of his true skills.
http://neuropod.net/imagehost/uploads/ 46ec5814524b7f89926bfaee548e5b35.png
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Kakuzufinishad.png
Suggestion 7: Drunk Lee
I think Lee could be able to enter his drunk mode. The benefits would be an insane stamina to run and run and puch and be fast as hell, but you would fall asleep at unexpected and random times, you could use this mode only once per round.
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ DrunkLeefnshd.png
Suggestion 8: Madara Susanoo
So here are some sprites of the susanoo.
http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Prototype2-1.png / http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Madarahsusanoog.png / http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Prototype2.png <- Kyoujin sprites
I think the icons of the first one look awesome and nice but they're big and with this one we don't need legs, like Itachi's susanoo or Sasuke's, or you can just resize the susanoo of Madara but i dont know how to do it well.
Suggestion 9: Cursed Seal Juugo
I think Juugo could have CS mode, and he will gain CS stats but would be unable to use revive.
http://neuropod.net/imagehost/uploads/ 90398b33a968551c83d5442e7d4edc5e.png
If you want i could find a Juugo with no CS to have the same clothes as the CS one.
Suggestion 10: Mei Terumi (Godaime Mizukage)
I think we could have this character, but in the donator package.
Choose between these 2, i think the 2nd looks way better.
We could also add her these lava jutsus, just using her handseal icons and putting in these http://www.spriters-resource.com/ds/megamanzx/lavademon.png
Thats all for now.
![]() Jun 30 2012, 9:18 am (Edited on Jul 1 2012, 10:36 am)
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![]() Jul 3 2012, 8:06 am (Edited on Jul 3 2012, 8:16 am)
Damn nice eternal you need see this suggestion o.o
I have a better sprite sheet for killer bee
http://sprites.3dn.ru/_ph/14/644322161.png |
Jokuri Suggestions V2
-------------------------------- All the Jinchuuriki -------------------------------- I suggest three options: 1.- Create a Jinchuuriki Package like the Donator Package, having to pay again 5$. 2.- Put all the Jinchuuriki for non-donators but put Naruto into Donator Package (i think this one is the best) 3.- All the Jinchuuriki for non-donators -------------------------------- 1.- Yugito Nii, 2 Tails http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ YugitoAllFinished.png -------------------------------- 2.- Yagura, 3 Tails http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ FullYaguraFinished.png --------------------------------- 3.- Roushi, 4 Tails http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ FullRoushiFinished2.png --------------------------------- 4.- Han, 5 Tails http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Hanfinished2.png --------------------------------- 5.- Utakata, 6 Tails http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Utakataall-1.png ---------------------------------- 6.- Fü, 7 Tails Not added yet ---------------------------------- 7.- Naruto Rikudou Mode and 4 Tails Kyuubi http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ FullNaruto2.png ---------------------------------- Silver Brothers ---------------------------------- Ginkaku http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/Ginkaku.png ---------------------------------- Kinkaku http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/Kinkaku.png ---------------------------------- Bijuu mode (valable for Ginkaku and Kinkaku)if you wonder why they have bijuu mode, in the manga they can transform into Kyuubi be cause they were trapped in his stomatch for long time and got part of his chakra. ---------------------------------- http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Tentenfinished.png ---------------------------------- Danzo Replacement of Jutsu http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ DanzoFinished3.png ---------------------------------- Tenten new jutsus ---------------------------------- Tenten is a character very underrated, her jutsus can't lead to opness since the kunais are VERY easy to evade. So, here i propose new jutsus, but i want to focus on the summoning of the 3 weapons. http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ Tentenfinished.png ---------------------------------- Guren She's a filler but i think |
1ª- Guren
Akatsuki should have Guren Because she worked for Orochimaru. Below is the link of the single sprite that I found: http://imageshack.us/f/15/gurenh.png/ 2°- "Chouji Butterfly" Chouji uses pills to increase his strenght. The last pill inscreases the power of a member of Akimichi Clan 100 times.When Chouji uses this pill in the game after some minutes he dies. Below is the link of the transformation: http://imageshack.us/f/188/butterflychoji1on1.png/ 3°- Ino Ino is a character with complex jutsus. I tried to find good sprites,but the best is as follows: http://s464.photobucket.com/albums/rr5/JayofThr33/ Sprite%20Sheets/?action=view¤t=Ino.png&newest=1 4°- Konohamaru. I think Konohamaru is a good character for the game and funny too. He uses Sexy Jutsu, Rasengan and can throw weapons: http://imageshack.us/f/190/konohamruhz7.png/ http://imageshack.us/f/196/konohamarusheetuu5yh5.png/ http://imageshack.us/f/25/joninkonohamarugq1.gif/ 5°- Tsunade Tsunade has so much jutsus. But she has fewer attack jutsus than others, this way she can't a good defense for fight alone. My suggestion is a new jutsu for her. Like: http://imageshack.us/f/21/tsunadeatack.png/ New characters: Omoi: Omoi is skilled in taijutsu, and has good teamwork skills with his team-mate Karui, as when they were able to use fluent attack patterns without communicating with each other during their scuffle with Team Kakashi. He also uses a long white katana to incorporate kenjutsu into his fighting style, like many Kumogakure shinobi. His skill in kenjutsu was complimented by Sasori, after Omoi was able to free Tokuma HyÅ«ga and Ranka from Sasori's control. He also was able to defend himself from Sasori's puppets at the same time with his swordplay. He can also use Cloud-Style Crescent Moon Beheading and Cloud-Style Reverse Beheading. (Donator Only) Sprite: http://neuropod.net/imagehost/uploads/ 4470c42fe436aa6de586eca5f26c541b.png Kurenai: I think she is a good ninja and she has genjutsus, nobody of leaf has genjutsus. (Free Pick) http://images.saiyanisland.com/data/549/Kurenai_03.png Shisui Uchiha:Shisui was noted to be one of the most talented members of his battle-excelling clan. He had earned the nickname of "Shisui of the Body Flicker", possibly implying that he had great mastery of the Body Flicker Technique.[5] He was also hailed as one of the most powerful genjutsu users of the clan.[3] Another testament to his prowess is that Kabuto Yakushi wanted to reincarnate him for the war but failed to find sufficient DNA samples. Sprite: http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/4056/shisuiuchiha.png Kakashi should can summon the nin-dogs. Sprite:http://imageshack.us/f/218/pakkunsheetdh4.png/ Credit To NewtonSasori |
BIG-BONED PEOPLE, BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
I need the original image 3.- Roushi, 4 Tails http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb218/1Ikaz1/ FullRoushiFinished2.png |