The refs certainly didn't help the Seahawks, who I think were screwed out of two separate touchdowns. Oh well. At the end of the day, it's just a game. This was the first Superbowl where I actually cared about the outcome of the game. Usually my main focus is watching the commercials.
In general I really wasn't that impressed with this year's ads. The past few years have been pretty weak on the whole, but as usual there were a few standouts.
Budweiser certainly knows what they're doing. All of their spots were great-the revolving refrigerator was my personal favorite. Other companies should learn something from the Budweiser ads: if you're going to spend 2 million dollars for every 30 second spot, then don't just run the same commercial several times. Remember last year's Ford Mustang ad? It was a good commercial, but they ran it like 5 times. Why not spend a little bit extra to produce separate commercials for each timeslot? Thankfully this year there were only a few repeat commercials.
I loved the Ameriquest spots- the one with the doctor killing the fly and the other one with the woman on the plane. I have mixed feelings about the Burger King commercial... and the Fed Ex caveman ad didn't really impress me either (last year their commercial with Burt Reynolds was my favorite). The two Career Builder spots were okay, as was the one for Sierra Mist.
Did Pepsi even run their "brown and bubbly" campaign by a test audience? Worst. Slogan. Ever. It's pretty gross. The only Diet Pepsi commercial that I enjoyed was the one with Jackie Chan.
The commercials for Hummer, Go Daddy and Emerald Nuts all sucked. Finally, seeing the trailer for yet another crappy Disney/Tim Allen movie made me die inside. Seriously, when was the last time Disney OR Tim Allen made a decent movie? When you combine the two of them things are bound to go wrong.
Feb 6 2006, 1:00 am
Feb 6 2006, 1:08 am
Got a Qustion... Why do you look at cermicals? That most boring part about the super bowl.
Heck no! The commercials (when they're good, anyways) are often extremely entertaining... Companies don't spend 2 million dollars per commercial spot to just put on some stupid regular commercial (well, some of them do)... They usually go out of their way to make something either really funny, really strange, or really interesting (or a combination of those)...
Most of the best commercials of all time debut at the Super Bowl... |
Yeah, Super Bowl commercials are worth watching.
I loved last year's Ameriquest commercials. |
Heh, suckers. While you guys were watching Seattle get trounced I got to watch 3 hours of the Simpsons and Family Guy. All, right. Giggity, giggity!
Didn't the apple computer debute at the superbowl? Anyways my favorites were the beer commercial, the "Magic Fridge", and the Seira Mist one with the Beep Beep, Im going to have to confinscate that sir.
I personally liked the commercial where the guy was going to give the bear a beer and his buddy came and snatched it, fast and funny compared to some of the other commercials on..and the pepsi commercial just plain sucked !
I couldn't agree more about this years commercial sucking badly. Where are the penis enhancement commercials?
I can't believe no one has mentioned the Aleve commerical with Leonard Nimoy. That was fun.
my favorites were the one from niko sometihng beer where the guy tackled the crap out of the girl that was funny.
i also liked the magic fridge one lol xD. and the bear and the beer one was fun. but one of the best was the guy throwing his phone at the other guy lol. Oddly enough today in my video class we did TV commercialism and looked at superbowl commercials. We saw wich were effective and wich were stupid. |
Just saw something really weird...found you on on my server, Stormscale. Don't ask how I remembered your picture, I don't know. If you're ever on give Muran a whisper. :p
Cool, another BYONDer on Stormscale!
I'm currently on hiatus from WoW while I finish up Acheron's Awakening, but I'll definitely message you when I start playing again. |
Clearly the Brown and Bubbly commercial was a candidate for the worst of the day. It's a shame I haven't kept up the Ad-Schlocks.
I also think that a special award for sheer stupidity should go to that one college professor who declared the Dove ad about girls' self-esteem to be the best of the Superbowl. Uh, hello?! Wrong target audience, and it was not funny. Funny is THE standard for Superbowl ads, and anything that fails that standard is not worthy to wipe my butt. |