//< %3c
//> %3e
//" %22
//_ +
//[ %5b
//] %5d
//, %2c
//( %28
//) %29
//= %3d
//! %21
//@ %40
//# %23
//$ %24
//% %25
//^ %5e
//& %26
//* %2a
//+ %2b
//; %3b
//: %3a
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//{ %7b
//\ %5c
ok so recently i had a problem with my lists and after some testing i found these and used to to fix most of my problem so im giving them to you so if you have any hex/ascii problems you can hopefully use these to fix it :)

put this in tutorials because thats the only place it would "fit-in":P

btw these are hex symbols but they might be ascii too :o
I have no idea what you're talking about. Please elaborate, capital letters and fullstops are also appreciated in a tutorial...