This week has been a rather slow week for us, but we still have some progress.
Here is a video of the Fire disaster we introduced last week. We have started (not finished) to add gas and oxygen. Here is a video to show you an example.
Oh I can't wait to be in this game, so much danger, so much fun!
And now from the design aspect, here is how the intefrace is going to be. The look and feel that we are going for is similar to that of a polished, professional commercial game.

Notice in this interface that you will not have a health "stat." You will be aware of any major damage to any parts of your body (Broken leg that may slow you down, cut damage to the stomach, burns on the hands, if you are bleeding, etc) but you will never officially know how much more damage you can take or how much longer you have to live!
You will only be able to carry two items(one per hand, some items take both hands) and carry one smaller item. Submerged will have minimal buttons, no verbs, no stat panels, just a very easy to learn/hard to master scheme.

This is just another possible interface that we might use. Note the simple design on both interfaces.
The purpose and the look/feel that we are going for with Submerged is the "Less is more" approch, giving you the absolute bare basics.
Feel free to add any comments, questions, or concerns about the project!