After doing a couple google searches of why people like MMORPGs so much. I was wondering, what do you think makes a MMORPG/MORPG/RPG fun? What would make you want to return to that game? Game features? Storyline? Graphics? Feel free to anwser.
Originality is a good one.
Overall high quality is great.
Smooth execution is amazing.
Backstory and a immersive lore.
Just a few things I like to find in RPGs.
Vermolius wrote:
Backstory and a immersive lore.

I think that's the main one when it comes to RPGs. You need to be put in a new world to explore. It also needs to seem like a new world.
Vermolius wrote:
Originality is a good one.
Overall high quality is great.
Smooth execution is amazing.
Backstory and a immersive lore.
Just a few things I like to find in RPGs.

I see. Thanks for the input.
To be quite honest...

Graphics are something that aren't required. They are extra.
So I'll have to say Game-Play 100%.
Things like smooth systems, little to no bugs, advanced progress (If your game has 'Spells' or 'Techniques', I'm talking about 'Mastery' levels or some form of Basic -> Better -> Best within the skill.), complete Staff Support or some form of Automatic Moderation systems to ensure Game-Play is not altered by someone who feels like they can spam, bug abuse, or dominate a game because they are connected with an Admin or Staff.)

Also, in MMORPGs I personally like to start with small updates, and by some form of time whether it be daily, weekly or monthly, add 'events' or 'new things' to do like Bosses, New Skills, Treasure Hunt, etc.
I don't really think that graphics contribute anything to the game itself, it's primarily for advertising. While you're looking for a game, good graphics draw you in, but when you're playing it, it ends up contributing very little. To me, it's content. If an MMOG has a very large amount of varied content, each part seeming unique, and yet contributing to a greater, coherent whole, then the game is definitely a very well-made piece of art. Of course, very few MMOGs actually do that.

And on the point of graphics, it seems that the better graphics a game has, the more time gets spent on graphics rather than actual gameplay. If a new area takes 6 months to develop, and five of those months are the awesome, anti-aliased, super-3D Crysis-beating graphics, it's not only a pain to the players wanting to play the new content, but the developers themselves. Time like that should be spent on something that actually makes the game fun, not stuff that makes it look good. For example, some games with ASCII graphics look like crap, but can be updated in days with fun content additions that make the players want to stay around.
What I Like In games I like Role playing games that make u feel like every lil thing u do shapes u and changes the Is Suspense And Orginality i like games that make u feel like u have a reason for playing and make me feel like my time played is well spent i like when u are praised and ur character grows and changes and enviroment aswell and when games have alot of variety and colors and is somewhat of a challenge and replayable and is user friendly and also 1 of the most important thing in games is not feeling alone and the game rewards u and throws a new challenge at you i would also like to see NPCS talk to u instead of the other way around and kinda like a real person u can talk to i liek realism heres some games i think that do that : Mortal kombat,God of War,Fall Out 3,Fable i also like when u feel like u have a emotional connection with the game and the character u have makes me want to play more