I've played through a bit of the game* and I've only made one crafted item. Most of the recipes I see, I usually don't recall ever seeing the ingredients (sometimes I'll recognize one of them). Even if I recognize the item name I probably don't have one nor do I remember where to get it. The one crafted item I made (bone armor) was useful for a while. Is it supposed to be like that or am I missing something?
There's so much content it could be neat to have more of an emphasis on crafted items. Maybe if the game remembered what recipes you've seen or could tell you where to find certain items. Also, if you could go back into a dungeon you've beaten and zone out once you've got the item you need.
* I gave up this morning when I got locked in a room because I misplaced the wire and couldn't open the door to get back out =)
![]() Jun 29 2012, 10:55 am
I thought about keeping a document with the recipes I've seen but I don't recognize most of the ingredients and if I do, I wouldn't remember where to get them.
I like the way you used wires to create rooms you can't get out of, but you could easily place an area over the room and automatically open the door when all enemies are dead. |
I've also noticed that I often lay a wire, then use X to pick it back up but I don't gain the wire back. It's removed from the map but it's not in my inventory. I used to be able to get them back but now it doesn't work. I'm not sure if this was an intentional change.
From what I've seen the puzzle elements seem to get better as the game goes on (ex: levers, warps, switches that open doors without needing the line of power boxes connecting them, etc.) so if you re-did the earlier levels I'm sure that wires would basically be phased out anyway. |
I could probably have a notebook or a wiki-ish thing that users can browse through in-game to look up items and view stats, etc. That way they can prioritize better and also have an easier time crafting. *calls expixel*
That wire bug is confirmed. There are a lot more bugs having to do with wire than that, lol. I think I should definitely refurbish the puzzles and progression of most of the levels when I phase out the wires. I was playing through the game recently for the first time since 0.6 and found a lot of little things I could have done better. The reason the game's puzzles progressively get better is just because the earlier levels didn't get the fixes they were planned to have. I also have to rewrite a lot of the stuff for the inventory menu. It's an absolute mess and is probably causing the seemingly un-fixable bug with bogus "inventory full" messages. With all the above, along with a "warp-out" option for dungeons and maybe some HUD improvements, I could probably release version 0.9 and then focus the final levels on 1.0 |
A zone-out command would be really great. I like that idea a lot.
I'm tossing around ideas to completely phase out wires at the moment, because I'm sick of them and they offer nothing to the game-play