Keywords: contest, event
This is extremely short notice for this week's session, but it's my fault for telling people with a short deadline to submit a post yesterday and then sleeping in. My apologies.
- ACWraith

Hello guys! Me, Soul Survivor Snowman "Frosty" and Drehdog7 "Zachy" have decided to host an every sun day event! Here's some information on it.

Name: Strategic Event

Games: Castle, Space Castle. (More may be added)

Time Hosted: 1:00 PM PDT - 3:00 PM PDT. (The server entrance will be closed at 1:10 PM PDT so make sure you join the server before it closes!)

Prizes: 5$, Free BYOND membership.(More may come in the future)

During the session of play, the top 4 players with the highest wave will be added to the 'Highest Wave List' and all 4 of them will be given 5$ each. That's not all! The one individual who scores the most during the time frame given(which is 2 hours) will be given a free BYOND membership!(18$)

We hope this event will be a success :)!(I'm sure it will be.

It would be nice if you gave us a link to each game, as well as the server's IP.
What about me!
The Strategic Event servers will always be HOSTED on port, 1000 or 6000.
I added links and I'll edit the guidelines to tell people to do so later. I'm not sure IPs are necessary though. I'd rather give people some leeway in case something goes wrong with their server plans at the last minute. I'd suggest looking for the people involved instead.
Server is now on private, Server entrance time has ended.
It's weekly though, right?
Yes it is weekly. Every Sunday it will be held. I wasn't on for the beginning of it i just arrived home,but i am logging on right now.

ZMD Productions
what's the time when the server hosted in Australia?
Gamemakingdude wrote:
what's the time when the server hosted in Australia?

Its already hosted. About to end in 30 minutes.
From my calculations(xD) it would be around 10 in the morning if i am right.
Hmmm I can't remember time zones... I'm in Eastern sooo...?
Ganing wrote:
Hmmm I can't remember time zones... I'm in Eastern sooo...?

This one is finished. Look at the Week 2 one please. ;)
ZMD Productions wrote:
From my calculations(xD) it would be around 10 in the morning if i am right.

When your comment was made, it was 8:36am. If it's about to end in 30 minutes from this time, we can round off the ending at 9:00am. If it's a two hour event as the OP indicates, we can determine that this hosting session started at 7:00am AEST.

Take off half an hour for the states directly left of Victoria/NSW and Queensland, and another half an hour for the states directly left of those. There's your Australian hosting schedule.