This is extremely short notice for this week's session, but it's my fault for telling people with a short deadline to submit a post yesterday and then sleeping in. My apologies.
- ACWraith
Hello guys! Me, Soul Survivor Snowman "Frosty" and Drehdog7 "Zachy" have decided to host an every sun day event! Here's some information on it.
Name: Strategic Event
Games: Castle, Space Castle. (More may be added)
Time Hosted: 1:00 PM PDT - 3:00 PM PDT. (The server entrance will be closed at 1:10 PM PDT so make sure you join the server before it closes!)
Prizes: 5$, Free BYOND membership.(More may come in the future)
During the session of play, the top 4 players with the highest wave will be added to the 'Highest Wave List' and all 4 of them will be given 5$ each. That's not all! The one individual who scores the most during the time frame given(which is 2 hours) will be given a free BYOND membership!(18$)
We hope this event will be a success :)!(I'm sure it will be.