We have succeeded in starting up BLN2. It includes BSOC Icons but those will be taken out in due time. We are using them to actually test the game. A hub will be created soon and everybody will be able to play the game with a player limit set to 25 - 50 (Somewhere Between there)

-GodzGames Team
When exactly will this testing be? And will this compare to any standards of BLN1?
Currently all we have is Skins, Maps, BSOC Icons Atttack Verb, some special verbs, and more features. I'll release it to about 7 people but no more players than that will be allowed
It's not that great right now, but im going to add that survival even and fiddle with it to make it more intense.
I'll send you a link to the private server right now
*sigh* Why even name it BLN2? And why use SOC art?
It's named BLN2 because it is a sequel to BLN1.. obviously.. it uses BSOCs art because we already had the turf codes and felt it would be a complete waste to code other turfs in at the time. So we all just copy and pasted the turf codes and just mapped it a bit.
Kingmasherr wrote:
It's named BLN2 because it is a sequel to BLN1.. obviously.. it uses BSOCs art because we already had the turf codes and felt it would be a complete waste to code other turfs in at the time. So we all just copy and pasted the turf codes and just mapped it a bit.

You make programming turf sound difficult.. If this is your standard you'll never be able to make anything better than BLN.