Keywords: bases
I like many make bazez

C&C welcum

Small edit, softened the AA around the head area

I see isn't that sel-out or something I like it by the way
He looks a tad tubby. Is that intentional?
Lol yeah he's got like these scrawny little arms and a tiny head but his chest, stomach and waist area just jump out at you. He's not proportioned correctly at all.
mhm intentional i like the look, kind of but i wouldnt knw how to correct the proportions w/o losing it
In response to Anthony Sayer
But. Uh. The proportions are horrible.
o.o okaaaaaaaay twice youve said that
He says he wants to keep the tubby look, but can't keep it if he makes the proportions better. That's total bullshit, and I'd think the fact that it looks like a barrel with limbs would be a pretty big turn-off in any game.
In response to Vrocaan
lol but it doesn't, it looks a lot better than the bases i see on here a lot but you can't please everyone

also, you can't really point out proportional problems w/o mentioning their comparison to the tubby abdomen