Keywords: dev_log
So lately I've been fooling around a bit with some different concepts, trying to expand my knowledge and just have some fun fooling around with something of a little less importance. I started with the idea of making a game with a fully rotatable view, more isometric than 3D. I then remember Gakumerasara's Vengeance 56 game. Though I cannot even come close to making anything like it, I've been toying around with the concept.

I came up with the obvious idea of simply locating and projecting your surroundings as a HUD display on your screen. The proc will look for the various turfs or objects around you and decide what to show you on your side of the screen. With this concept, I created a very crude little demo in which you can walk north and south along side of a wall until you hit a wall in front of you. It's not meant to be pretty, people!

Please excuse if the gif goes off of the screen to the side. The proc also only displays things up to 8 tiles ahead of you. That's why the wall looks like it's kind of appearing out of nowhere. You can comment on it if you like.

On to Zelda updates.

I made some pots now! These pots can be picked up and thrown at enemies to deal damage. Some of the pots also hold little things inside of them such as hearts or arrows. The arrows in the pots are necessary for certain things such at hitting switches from a distance to open a door.

Now besides the pots I am also expanding the dungeon a lot and working on the mini-boss!

At first I wasn't planning on having a mini-boss, but I decided to make one just for the fun of it. It's going to be two statues sitting in the room. You enter the room, then you watch the statues come alive. You then need to fight them. They're difficult to hit with your sword though! You need to use your arrows or even the various pots lieing around to attack them easily.

Sorry for having so few screenshots as I usually do. I'll have plenty more next time! I'm still working hard and going strong.
Very nice, this game sounds very promising. Also, I love the new member icons.
You can thank Korby for those. I like them too!
You're welcome, Fugsnarf.
So we're going to be fighting two mini-boss Armos, eh?
Yeah, basically.
This game's cool and all, and I'ma let let y'all get back to your game and everything, but I just wanted to say that Silk Wizard made the best fan game on BYOND.

/Kanye West.
Personally, in a dungeon that looks dark like that. You should change the players icon to a darker version (unless the dungeon isn't dark).
It isn't necessarily dark. I would have covered the screen in a transparent black object to make it look darker if I wanted it that wall. The walls and floor are just a darker looking.
Actually, I was just making fun of Kanye West. You know how I feel about your project: I think it looks good so far , shows promise, and after this project I would like to see an original game.

Keep up the good work.
Sariat wrote:
Actually, I was just making fun of Kanye West. You know how I feel about your project: I think it looks good so far , shows promise, and after this project I would like to see an original game.

Keep up the good work.

Yeah a friend of mine showed me what you were talking about. I almost forgot about that. Funny.

I like how the game is going. Maybe later on in development,you can add some multiplayer only areas? e.g - You stand on a switch that opens the door,your friend goes in the door and pushes another switch to keep the door open,allowing you to get in. Anyways,keep up the good work. :-)
You could submit this game to my site via "Live Shout Box" so it can be posted to the "Upcoming Games" section.Check it out!