Jun 27 2012, 3:05 pm
Jun 27 2012, 3:17 pm
This gotta be a troll.
even so his base did improve alot just wondering why are you so focused on having your buildings like that? just try something like this or probably not exacly like this just give it a front side and top will give you more color and space to play with |
In response to Rubycoin
just play around with it a little and you will automatically learn to do harder stuff just keep a eye on your shades if your gonna use them
have fun creating stuff |
Whats with the way it stands do you stand like that? Advice from a starting pixel artist to another.
In response to ImmeasurableHate
im super flat footed so i kinda do i guess
are you going to make to base move?
if you do please show it i think it will be quite good ^^ |
In response to Rubycoin
I suggest taking a look at yourself in the mirror and watching those around you if you don't feel like researching anatomy. If you stand with your legs more than shoulder-width apart, it just feels awkward. Normally they are maybe 6 inches apart. Also, my feet aren't side-ways when I step. Are yours? I also don't try to touch my foot to the back of my other knee mid-step.
Little things like this throw off the entire piece. Your strange and incorrect muscle definition and lack of proper shading throw it off enough already. |
guess hes just messing around trying to understand that anatomy
offtopic:since all you talk about shading why do most of you pick top shading or top left shading just wondering? |
In response to Rubycoin
Rubycoin wrote:
guess hes just messing around trying to understand that anatomy That's a very strange question. Why do you turn right on red when there are no cars coming? In all reality though, it's a fairly easy way to shade and helps keep things looking right, especially since BYOND makes games from a birds-eye view. I mean, unless the sun is below you. In which case my whole statement is dis-proven. |