Naruto Story Online is near it's alpha stage and is looking great so far.
It only lacks elemental system and some gameplay features, which shouldn't take long to be finished.
Here some numbers
Common Jutsus - 100% (I.e Bunshin,Kawarimi,etc.)
Clans - 100%
Elements - 10% (I made 1 or 2, but they were just for testing purposes)
Common Verbs - 100%
Enviroment - 60% (Map and interaction with it(We got plenty))
Interface - 100%
Automatic Processes - 20% (Auto Exams, Minigames, etc)
Artificial Inteligence - 99% (I need all Clans and Elements done for this so I can make the AI fight just like a real player)
As you can see, not much left.
The game could possibly be released within a week, but since I'm a perfectionist, I want everything 100% bugfree and working, therefore, I won't release half game/update at a time.
I hope everybody get to play it when it get released.
And now I leave you with some ScreenShots
[ Note: This isn't the currently base, it's just a place holder since we didn't want to expose the main base yet ]
.~To Big~.
-Kage Mane-
