Keywords: heyo
I'm not real sure what to say, this guy is just... the noob, I actually think he overanks Bobbyawesome, that's right, so have a goodygood day!

OMFG HE IS SUCH A COCKASS He's so cool. =3
i swear if this is not fake it is so sad
WTF is wrong with his mouth
I honestly don't know... this guy is like.. just makes you want to commit either murder, or suicide.
Holy fuck he gives me a headache.
"Hello hello hello youtube!"
That part pisses me off the most.
Invite him to play BYOND, I'm sure him and Bobbyawesome will get along nicely.
Damn, wtf is wrong with him. He has a f***ed up voice, and is the kinda guy you just want to punch in the face...
This idiot is so sad...
Yash 69 wrote:

That's you? Wow your so faggish looking Cool! :3
Dinomaster45 wrote:
Yash 69 wrote:

That's you? Wow your so faggish looking Cool! :3
That's not Yash. @.@
He sounds gay. 'Hello Hello Hello youtube!" What the fuck.. He can just say 'Hello' once..
:p I bet Ganning looks just like this fuckin nerd :D
Dinomaster45 wrote:
Yash 69 wrote:

That's you? Wow your so faggish looking Cool! :3

:D Seriously!
Ganing wrote:
I honestly don't know... this guy is like.. just makes you want to commit either murder, or suicide.

Dude he's just like you i bet you put that ugly face there because you fell in love with him.
Wtrbooger wrote:
:p I bet Ganning looks just like this fuckin nerd :D

FYI, I have way longer hair than him, I don't wear braces, and the smarter people of BYOND have actually seen me.

You sir just tried in 3 comments in a roll to pwn me, but I'm pleased to tell you that you failed.

Oh yea, if you're going to pwn someone, SPELL THEIR FUCKIN' NAME RIGHT.
WEll we deffinetly found the Nerd king with long hair like a female i never knew we had a transvessty on our hands. nerd, Trans,Fag. I personaly think your now the trans of that guy Gannnnnning. And it doesnt matter how i spell your faggot ass name becaause your a peice of shit that everyone walks on cause your just a little nerdy bitch. Go crawl back up your moms Vagina. And stay There! We dont need nerd critics. about games. And you say that nerdy word noob dude Nerds created thaat word so thats how we know your ass is still in the closet. i bet you dont even have a girlfriend and even if you did im sure she's a ugly fuckin nerd same ass you. but i doubt that it's probably a Man.
Yash 69 wrote:

hey yash you sound like a very smart nerd could you code? cause i can use the help :D Seriously i need it i can only do basic codeing.
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