First of all, I would like to officially state that Nadrew is the lead programmer of Submerged. Glad to have him on our "unnamed BYOND game development team". We are hoping to have the game finished by the end of the year.
Anyway, here is a progress report of Submerged's random floor generation system (Thanks to Nadrew's kick ass Trail Blazer map generation system) It's in text, well , just because it's just in text.
Once again, all floors are randomly generated in Submerged so you will not play on the same map twice... EVER.
W= wall
f= floor
R = center of the rooms
Also, D4RK3 S4B3R is doing a little bit of graphic work for us, we'll see what he has to show us for the next couple of days.
Keep on the lookout as we release more information, screen shots, and videos for Submerged, the action-packed survival horror game set in an underwater military compound!
Edit: I would also like to thank LummoxJR for posting up how to record stuff for BYOND. Except for the frame rate (I have Vista so I couldn't tweak it like he suggested) and the end part showing the encoder program , I think it came out great!
Ninja Edit: Thanks to Calus Corps to help me get the Youtube video to show properly on BYOND CSS!
Pretty awesome.
But how about some maps that are constant instead of consistently randomly generated maps? |
Thanks for the Kudos!
The thing we want to accomplish with Submerged is a replayability value by not having the same game twice. I do understand where you're coming from by getting to know the ins and outs of a map, but for the gameplay we're trying to achieve (fast paced, unexpected) random maps works best for us. We may or may not have static maps. |
Very nice, keep up the good work.
I tend to shy away from static maps myself. Hand crafted content has its merits, but replayability is key in my designs. |