Jun 26 2012, 10:52 am
How can i make medals award offline, which does not need to contact to hub?
If the player is playing offline, you can warn the player that their medals won't be uploaded until an internet connection is available, so medals earned will be saved locally instead. Like, medal syncing.
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
If the player is playing offline, you can warn the player that their medals won't be uploaded until an internet connection is available, so medals earned will be saved locally instead. Like, medal syncing. I understand what both of you are saying but i want it to that it does not relay on hubs for example if i host multiple servers i dont want to get the list of medals from hub since byond already checks if medal is already awarded on hub i want to make that when logs into new server his medals get restarted and he will have to earn them again. |
In response to Kaiochao
oh yea i can just change the proc a bit to make it work my way.
I think I will make these changes so that medals are an in-game thing. If you give them a hub_name it'll award them on the hub too, but they'll also be tracked on a per-character basis. This would also give you the behavior you want since they'd be saved in the savefile, so when a player joins a new server and creates a character they'd have zero medals.
In response to Lord Kakarot
Oh, you just want to use a different kind of medal system. I suppose F_a could make it optional, HUB or SERVER. Of course, saving info to the hub is the same as saving client-side, without the client-side savefile.
In the next version, the way it'll work is that each mob will have a list of medals. When you're awarded a medal it'll show the graphical indication if that character doesn't already have the medal and, if the medal has a hub_name, it'll award it on the hub too. There's also a proc that notifies the hub to award all medals the character has earned, which you can call in case some were awarded when the hub couldn't be reached.
I never liked that you needed to have a hub entry (which requires a membership, I think) just to add medals. Most people won't care that medals are more than an in-game thing. |
I'm not sure. I have a few significant things done (banks, this change to medals) but I'd like to get a bit more done before posting an update. Maybe it'll be posted next weekend.
I was thinking about making medals be just an in-game thing too. The main reason I'd do this is to let medals be per-character instead of per-client, but this would let you award medals to a player whether the hub can be contacted or not.