Survival/Horror Action Adventure
In a world, where tears no longer show meaning, where the cries of the unborn are never heard, where the lives of people are no longer valuable and where the tones of sorrow run like a never ending river. The sudden change for the planet earth has brought forth the true meaning of once a forgotten word, because of the occurrence of this tragedy the state of the world is now in true Despair.
Because of human nature, nature it self is becoming corrupted.
What you might want to know
Original Art and Icons
Original Codes
Original Fun
Completely Verbless
Game Features
Leveling system
Cash system
Trade system
Elemental Magic System
Squad Based modes
Sound Responsive Enemies
Upgradeable Skills
Upgradeable weapons
Melee Weapons
Breakable miscellaneous and useful objects
Awesomeness to the Max!
Date Started: 10/07/09
Teamwork is a must.
Copyright © 2009 Sphinxe1