What's the code for medals? I can't find anything that exactly shows the code for them on the DM guide.
world.SetMedal("exact name of medal herer", usr)

then place it into the part of code you want like for a login medal you would put at login part of the code.
Masqurade wrote:
world.SetMedal("exact name of medal herer", usr)

then place it into the part of code you want like for a login medal you would put at login part of the code.

Ok thanks. =]
Wouldn't you have to define a proc for the medal?
(tab)world.SetMedal("Medal Name",src)

Then in the Level Up() you put
usr.Level_Check() so that it checks to see if the usr is lvl 1.
true forgot tat part
This is how you implement medals as well as scores: DreamMakers?command=view_post&post=55025