If the pager's position was saved off-screen, it would restore there, thus making it inaccessible.
BYOND Version:455.1039
Operating System:Windows XP Pro
Web Browser:Chrome
Applies to:BYOND Pager
Status: Resolved (463)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
BYOND.exe doesn't do bounds-checking when restoring the pagers location and size from cfg/pager.txt.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1) Attach a second monitor to your computer
2) Move BYOND.exe onto the second monitors screen real-estate
3) Close BYOND.exe
4) Remove second monitor
5) Open BYOND.exe - It will maximize to outside of the screen

Expected Results:
BYOND.exe resets to start at 1x1 or similar appropriate place, if it finds itself placed outside of the screens bounds

Actual Results:
Maximizes outside of screen. Impossible to get back inside without manually modifying pager.txt

Does the problem occur:
Every time

Workarounds: Open BYOND/cfg/pager.txt and change window-pos to 1x1 with BYOND.exe closed.

Yeah but that's true for the majority of programs...

My workaround is simple I run into this a lot with various programs.

Click the byond icon so that the pager is in your task bar.

Right click the Byond in the taskbar.
Click restore

Right click it again and click move

Your mouse will jump into a position that can drag the window

Hold left click and drag that window back onto your screen for a job well done. :D
Generally, if your window is off screen, your mouse cannot move to it.

Also, confirmed. I used switch between two monitors and a TV quite often and ran into the same problem.
Yeah, I'm having this now too since I bought my new TV and connect my laptop to it.
This should work properly now, although it will likely force the pager to initially appear on the primary monitor. Looks like DM has had this behavior all along so at least this will be consistent.