So today is mah birfday, but I'm still getting shtuff accomplished. I'll post my Dungeon design work in a bit once I rant. Okay, so I'm a theater major in a show called "Revolt of the Beavers" we had a show today at 9:30 with 50 kids from a school which I had to do a workshop with afterwards...

God, I effin' hate children...

Gonna poke a ton of smot later this evening...

Anyhoot as far as dungeon goes, I've decided to make gameplay go as follows...

Dungeons will have 4 difficulties and in the original beta release there will be 7 dungeons, of varying initial difficulty levels that you can adjust to be even harder.

Initiate - 2 ungeared players should be able to do this level fairly easily, so long as one is a semi-healer
Novice - 3 ungeared players should be able to do this level with a couple bumps, healer required
Journeyman - 5 shoddily geared players will be able to run this, so long as they each know how to play their class
Master - This difficulty will required 5 people in journeyman or higher equipment to accomplish. Godly gear will be available but it will require players who know what they are doing.

Gear will come in 4 levels of quality as follows
Tier 0,1,2, and 3
Barbarian - Studded, Hardened, Warped, and Monolithic
Pyromancer - Embroidered, Glowing, Defiant, Ignited
Cleric - Shiny, Devout, Pious, Zealous
And for each tier there will be a head, chest, and leg piece. So 3 armor slots and a weapon slot.

For Tier 0 Weapons and Gear, players will just have to turn in group experience that they earn from initiate and novice levels of difficulty.

For Tier 1 Weapons and Gear, it will come from experience, but will require tokens which certify that you have killed various bosses on the journeyman difficulty. (This will be decent gear, and will allow you to run master difficulty)

For Tier 2, this will be the easy to acquire end game equipment from the master difficulty. relatively low ammounts of experience and tokens from the easier of the bosses on master difficulty.

For Tier 3, players will have to grind a lot of experience on master difficulty and show tokens that they killed the hardest bosses on master. Players who have this gear, will have to work for it. However, it will be worth it, because there players will be 30% more effective than they were at tier 2. Allowing for a massive edge in both PvE and PvP aspects.

Servers will be set up in a lobby and then players can feel free to start dungeons when they group up. So all players not in a dungeon will be in the lobby. Since there is no large world map, and players will only be dealing with other dungeon AI, the lag shouldn't be an issue for servers upwards of 30... in theory. So 4-5 dungeons could be running on one server.

Players will save to their own computer so they can bring their toon they've worked hard on, to other servers.

Expansions will inevitably released, along with 3 other classes and more dungeons, but that's once Beta is out and working...

Who knows, maybe even 10 player dungeons.... DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN

Side note: I'm looking to make another trailer to spike game interest so I can have closed beta testing... so if you're willing to host for me, or just want to run a sample dungeon write somthing here... PEACE YALL