The PS3's exclusive games are shitty in my opinion. Also, if you can't buy M rated games, just stop playing video games.

Anyone else suspect overprotective parents?
Yammen wrote:
The PS3's exclusive games are shitty in my opinion. Also, if you can't buy M rated games, just stop playing video games.

Anyone else suspect overprotective parents?

So you're saying everyone under the age of 17 should stop playing video games? Well there goes the BYOND Community.

There are tons of good games that aren't rated M anyways.

And no, I think the rating is good, who wants Bobbyawesome to be introduced to 50 Cent? -shudders-
u can haz MAG w/ PS3?

srsly, the PS3 has some great games coming up, as well as some excellent ones out right now.
Yammen wrote:
The PS3's exclusive games are shitty in my opinion. Also, if you can't buy M rated games, just stop playing video games.

Anyone else suspect overprotective parents?

Whats sad is you probably haven't played any of them.

Also, all the games most of us grew up playing and loving, (sonic, mario, megaman, contra, metal slug, street fighter etc.) werent M rated. So why exactly are games given a certain label bad?

Don't be a biased moron please.
Pmitch wrote:
Yammen wrote:
The PS3's exclusive games are shitty in my opinion. Also, if you can't buy M rated games, just stop playing video games.

Anyone else suspect overprotective parents?

Whats sad is you probably haven't played any of them.

Also, all the games most of us grew up playing and loving, (sonic, mario, megaman, contra, metal slug, street fighter etc.) werent M rated. So why exactly are games given a certain label bad?

Don't be a biased moron please.

Lol, what? You totally just pulled that out of your ass to attempt to sound cool.

Actually, I play M rated games like Oblivion, Fallout 3, and shit like that. I don't play games like 50 cent or whatever the youngin' was talking about.

I agree, the ratings are good to some extent, but if you're in high school, you should be mature enough to handle gore and such.

Also, I'm seventeen, I grew up on alot of those games you mentioned. I also grew up on shit like Mortal Kombat, Siphon Filter, Metal Gear Solid. Also, I'm not much of a Metal Slug or Street Fighter fan.
Yammen wrote:
Pmitch wrote:
Yammen wrote:
The PS3's exclusive games are shitty in my opinion. Also, if you can't buy M rated games, just stop playing video games.

Anyone else suspect overprotective parents?

Whats sad is you probably haven't played any of them.

Also, all the games most of us grew up playing and loving, (sonic, mario, megaman, contra, metal slug, street fighter etc.) werent M rated. So why exactly are games given a certain label bad?

Don't be a biased moron please.

Lol, what? You totally just pulled that out of your ass to attempt to sound cool.

Actually, I play M rated games like Oblivion, Fallout 3, and shit like that. I don't play games like 50 cent or whatever the youngin' was talking about.

I agree, the ratings are good to some extent, but if you're in high school, you should be mature enough to handle gore and such.

Also, I'm seventeen, I grew up on alot of those games you mentioned. I also grew up on shit like Mortal Kombat, Siphon Filter, Metal Gear Solid. Also, I'm not much of a Metal Slug or Street Fighter fan.

If you grew up with these games, then why did you just say yourself that people under 17 shouldn't play games? I mean if you think that, it also should count for you amirite?

Oh and the only difference between some 50 Cent game and some half ass shooter is scenery and controls...

I swear every "exclusive" game that comes out is a shooter, music party game, or an RPG...

BTW Pmitch is cool, so yea, he doesn't need a statement to prove it.
Judging by the comments you've made it seems like the XBOX 360 is the right console for you, and on some level you know it, but you don't want one because you've come to think of XBOX/XBOX 360/Microsoft a certain way.

Every time someone mentions a 360 pro you shoot it down, as if you're waiting for someone to jump in and tell you to buy the PS3.

I'm not saying this to get you to buy a 360. I just think that if you're only going to buy one console and stick with it you need to clear all this up or else you're just going to regret what ever decision you make.

[Side note; XBOX 360 controllers are built to handle 2xAA batteries. You can buy a Play and Charge kit which comes with a rechargeable battery and a super long charging cable.
The PS3 controller is rechargeable via a USB-to-mini-USB cable, but it wont let you use any other batteries. The catch is that the cable included with the PS3 is so short that you can't play while charging. The good news is that its a standard connection so its easily replaceable, however you will want to factor in the cost of a new (longer) charging cable when making a decision here.
The online community is more about friends. Most of my friends play 360, so obviously my online experience is better on 360 than PS3. On both consoles there will be kids, idiots and freaks. On the PS3 it doesn't seem as bad because they don't usually have microphones, but at the end of the day they still act like jerks in game and that's what really matters.
XBOX 360 games seem to handle online functionality a lot smoother than PS3, with it built into the very core of the console (the PS3 has always felt very rough to me).

I know you keep saying you don't care about exclusives, but its a good indicator of how the console will perform in the future. Developers have abandoned the PS3. Say what you will, it went from pre-launch 'duh, everything will be on PS3' to post-launch where almost every planned exclusive was either scrapped, released on the 360 as well, or in some cases was released as an XBOX 360 exclusive.
The library is at a reasonable size right now, but it doesn't seem to be growing at a fast enough pace.

I wouldn't put much stock in the new controllers for either consoles. In all likelyhood they'll both fail. The reason items like cameras and light guns have such low success rates is that developers can't count on them.
By making a light gun game that doesn't come packaged with a light gun, you're limiting yourself to the fraction of the user-base that already owns light guns or is willing to buy one to play your game (which is never huge).
To get their motion controllers to take off, they're going to need to have enough A+ titles available at launch to get enough people to buy the new controllers to convince enough developers that they can make/sell A+ motion control titles.
Really, I'm expecting to see a bunch of mini-game packs from Microsoft and Sony 2nd party developers and a few games offering optional control schemes that are harder to use than their gamepad counterparts.

Again, I don't really care if you buy a PS3 or a 360, you can buy $300 worth of stink lizards for all I care. I'm just giving you some information you can use to sort out what you want.]
DarkView wrote:
Judging by the comments you've made it seems like the XBOX 360 is the right console for you, and on some level you know it, but you don't want one because you've come to think of XBOX/XBOX 360/Microsoft a certain way.
etc etc etc

Yea, I think I do, but see the thing is, everyone who says PS3 just says "Buy a PS3". Everyone who says buy a 360 gives details and whatnot, and honestly, I've just never been a huge X-BOX fan. I learned alittle more today at gamestop, and I think in the end I will turn to Sony's PS3, since the guy confirmed to me that they will not be making a newer game system until about 9-10 years due to PS2's long range of success, whereas X-BOX and Wii are expected to release new stuff in 4-6 years.

So yea... The gaming world...

The guy at gamestop said in best case scenario, have both.

I keep having second thoughts on it though =P I want PS3 more than XBOX 360, but I can get a 360 for 140...

Why don't developers release their titles on Wii?! xD

So yea, I want/don't want the XBOX... but I never have had experience playing a PS3, and I have had experience with an XBOX... so yea...

Alright... 360 it is... for now, I'll wait til Sony's next price drop for a OS3.
Also, from my experience with the two, the ps3 loads games alot quicker. But the downside to this is that you have to install alot of games, which can and will quickly use up your hardrive space.(whether i intall or not, the ps3 games seem to run quicker for me) While for 360, you have the option of installing a game. I havnt installed one yet, so i dont know how much quicker it may run, does anyone know? Its definitely cool that you have the choice to install the game, i prefer that, because im just about out of space on my ps3. I need to get a new internal hard drive for it.
Pmitch wrote:
Also, from my experience with the two, the ps3 loads games alot quicker. But the downside to this is that you have to install alot of games, which can and will quickly use up your hardrive space.(whether i intall or not, the ps3 games seem to run quicker for me) While for 360, you have the option of installing a game. I havnt installed one yet, so i dont know how much quicker it may run, does anyone know? Its definitely cool that you have the choice to install the game, i prefer that, because im just about out of space on my ps3. I need to get a new internal hard drive for it.

when you do a xbox install single player runs faster but online stays the same
But, uh; Ganing. You know that PS3 is not as successful as the PS2? They're going to be brought out in horrible graphics like the PS2 when 360 and Wii is rocketing.
KershiVelix wrote:
But, uh; Ganing. You know that PS3 is not as successful as the PS2? They're going to be brought out in horrible graphics like the PS2 when 360 and Wii is rocketing.

Your sentence is worded wrong:

The PS3 is not YET as successful as the PS2. Rocky starts, and bad first impressions happen all the time, plus you'll have to wait 10 years for your opinion to be considered anything.
The 360 can't get Ring of death anymore i heard. They fixed the problem when they found out why it happened.
Leviathanos wrote:
The 360 can't get Ring of death anymore i heard. They fixed the problem when they found out why it happened.

they fixed the problem with the elites but if u have anything b4 the elites came then your pretty much screwed
I can only speak for the PS3 side.

We purchased the PS3 a few years ago mainly for the Blu-Ray movie support, and we weren't disappointed. Given the cost of Blu-Ray players at the time ($500 was the cheapest I think), it was nice to be able to watch high def movies and have a gaming console for the kids as they got older.

That being said, I would say that more of my kids' peers had Wiis than 360s, let alone PS3s.
Bootyboy wrote:
I can only speak for the PS3 side.

We purchased the PS3 a few years ago mainly for the Blu-Ray movie support, and we weren't disappointed. Given the cost of Blu-Ray players at the time ($500 was the cheapest I think), it was nice to be able to watch high def movies and have a gaming console for the kids as they got older.

That being said, I would say that more of my kids' peers had Wiis than 360s, let alone PS3s.

Lol, everyone got the Wii's, that's why no one ever throws them into the XBOX 360 vs. PS3 scenario cause they no it will win. xD

But yea, I don't use blue ray that much, well... actually I never have.
I say Xbox 360. I have one and i am enjoying it to the max. Your first month for live is free so you have time lol.
It really doesn't matter what you have. Do you like faster gameplay, and stunning graphics? Or are you one of those emotional people that loves their friends too much.
Ganing wrote:
Yea, I think I do, but see the thing is, everyone who says PS3 just says "Buy a PS3". Everyone who says buy a 360 gives details and whatnot, and honestly, I've just never been a huge X-BOX fan.

I think the ugly truth of it is that people who say buy a PS3 don't have many logical reasons. That's not to say they're fanboys they've just chosen by gut. If that makes them happy then more power too them.
As for not being an XBOX fan, if you were a PS2 fan last generation you're an XBOX 360 fan now. It is pretty much a direct translation. If you want to hold grudges against the companies that produce the consoles, none of them deserve your money.
Sony treat you like an idiot, nothing more than a number on a chart. You'll buy what they tell you to buy because that's what they say you want. Microsoft treat you like their own personal bank account, taking as much money as they can from you. Nintendo, well Nintendo used to be cool because they focused on screwing retail stores instead of customers, but now they've changed.

since the guy confirmed to me that they will not be making a newer game system until about 9-10 years due to PS2's long range of success, whereas X-BOX and Wii are expected to release new stuff in 4-6 years.

The 'ten year plan' is a load of crap. Don't take estimates on when newer consoles are coming seriously. The PS3 is already what? 3 years old? That means its got a maximum of 7 years before they drop support for it entirely. A new console will definitely be released before then (they usually fail to mention that the ten year plan includes overlap).

That said, Sony will release their next generation console within the same ballpark as the next XBOX and Wii. In theory Sony will continue to support the PS3, but unless things really pick up for the PS3 I can't see it being supported any more than the original XBOX is now.
If I were placing a bet I'd say the XBOX 360 will most likely fall into the spot the PS2 is in now. It will have a big user base so developers will continue to support it after the release of the next generation consoles. Not as part of any big game plan but because late adapters still spend money on games. The PS3, 360 and Wii will all be supported for as long as developers can make money off them.

The only major reason I'd consider advising you to get a PS3 is if you want to play imported games from Japan. The XBOX 360 can do it (most of the time) but the PS3 is built for it.
Honestly it doesn't really appeal to me all that much anymore. After spending a lot more time on western games in recent years I've come to find Japanese games very shallow.

Rocky starts, and bad first impressions happen all the time

This was the mother of all rocky starts. Everything went wrong for them. Their biggest success, Blu-Ray, hasn't really taken off (sure, it beat HD-DVD, but still aren't terribly interested in upgrading from DVD).
The console has been out for long enough that we're well past a rocky start. I just don't think there's a chance of it turning things around in time for it to count. Developers aren't overwhelmed by the demand for PS3 versions of their titles, and PS3 development isn't easy enough that its worth doing without high demand.
Again, if you want to buy one and wait for it to take off, be my guest. I just don't think its wise to count on the PS3 suddenly getting back on its feet.
Dai-kun you should just get a ps3 becouse i have one and what other reason do you need to get one oh and also your my test subject for my experiments
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