I apologize for not releasing the next build of S&S, I've gotten everything down that I wanted for this build, except an efficient solution to a certain problem is eluding me. The current public build will be the longest online due to the current problem, and me coding the item system so I don't have to redo it later on when I add the various effects in the game.

Anyway, what you [can] look forward to Today or Monday at the latest:

Item system : You have weapons, fighting isn't nearly as tedious now that you are dealing slightly less than twice the damage as before.

Randomized stat system: Items can come in more effective forms (Eg: more attack/defense), can boost stats, and can even produce effects such as dealing fire damage on hit. Randomizations are weapon-specific too, so you'll never see a sharpened hammer or serrated longbow.

A fix to the Full-instance bug

Each enemy has a chance to drop any of their items when you win a map.

A small tweak to the AI to make it slightly smarter.

More designed Maps: The Alpha maps may not be the greatest example of whats in store in the future, but no more flat grasslands!

ACT notification: A small overlay above the current unit's head.
Sounds nice, I'll finish up the character concepts when I return home.