var/NL = input("New or Load?") in list("New", "Load")
if(NL == "New")
Race = input("Select a race") in list("Human", "Beast")
Size = input("Select a size") in list("Large", "Medium", "Small")
if(Race == "Human")
if(Size == "Small")
src.BPMod = Human/Small/BPMod
Name = input("Give yourself a name") as text
src.loc = locate(5,5,1)
world << "[src.key] has created a character."
else if(src.LoadProc())
world << "[src.key] has returned."
Problem description:
I'm attempting to uhm.. pull a variable from another object, but I'm having issues. Just looking at this, and it just seems wrong (the Human/Small/BPMod bit)
I'm wondering, what's the easiest way to assign a an array of variable values to a mob's same variables without reiterating a ton of if statements? Also, what's the proper way of assigning said values.
But why not use the && operator?
Also, example with your code: