Im working on a new game called StartingRPG{I need a new name for it that is NOT Copyrighted} and I used Falacy's RPGStarter sources to get it started. Now let me tell you right now, his RPG Starter was posted by HIMSELF, ON PURPOSE, to START RPG Games... Thats all =/

"Dreh has been FIRED from GodzGames"
True, but the real issue is that the RPGStarter library sucks.

Uhhhhhh... It's to start off a damn game <.< I'll just be adding much more to it, which I already have, and im going to get Nick to help me host o.O
Kingmasherr wrote:

Uhhhhhh... It's to start off a damn game <.<i'll just be adding much more to it, which I already have, and im going to get Nick to help me host o.O
"Dreh has been fired"<br/> I never really worked for you. I just iconned some dumb shit because you were to lazy to do it. I want to see you actually work having to do icons and coding. Knowing you i bet you will hire a new iconner.
Dur dur dur. You can't code dipshit, you don't know the difference between mob/Subscribe/verb or mob(enter)(tab)Subscribe(enter)(tab)verb

Both the same thing >.> Your just annoying and if it wasn't for me you wouldn't know how to code verbs 100%. You just piss me off too much.
Kingmasherr wrote:
Dur dur dur. You can't code dipshit, you don't know the difference between mob/Subscribe/verb or mob(enter)(tab)Subscribe(enter)(tab)verb

Both the same thing >.> Your just annoying and if it wasn't for me you wouldn't know how to code verbs 100%. You just piss me off too much.
The one i did mob(enter)(tab)Subscriber(enter)(tab) saves a bunch of time then having to do src.verbs += /mob/verb/Subscriber/VerbName over and over for all the verbs.
When my way you can just do src.verbs += /mob/verbs/Subscriber

allows you to do


usr << "Testing"
usr << "Testing"
usr << "Testing"

instead of

usr << "Testing"

usr << "Testing2"
The best sign that you actually know what you're doing is when you stop trying to prove it to people.
Try this code:

mob/Subscriber/verb/Get_GM(var/wut as num)
if(wut > 9000)

It should solve all the problems you both have.
-.- No it shouldn't. That looks to me like a Voting situation... Firing him is final. Im no longer working with his dumbass >.> and drehh, I got a pic of your credit card ^^ so don't piss me off much, im nice enough not to mess with you like that >.>
Don't know what is so breaking about it.
It's a phrase. Metaphor. If you've ever watch movies you'd see some newspapers have that as a title. - Closing Comments. Getting too annoyed.
just think you're butthurt buddy.
Kingmasherr wrote:
-.- No it shouldn't. That looks to me like a Voting situation... Firing him is final. Im no longer working with his dumbass >.> and drehh, I got a pic of your credit card ^^ so don't piss me off much, im nice enough not to mess with you like that >.>
Yes please use my credit card so then you can go to jail.