S&S has been updated, and while I wasn't able to get the PvP arena working just right, I'm going to keep the server up and public for a week barring any major bugs.
The Silverrain development team forum has also launched at: http://z6.invisionfree.com/Silverain
The following changes have been made:
- The allotted time to finish your turn has been increased from 20 seconds to a minute
- Slightly updated help file
- Fixed a bug where the movement/attack effects would not be cleaned up after a turn ended by time-out
- Enemy/Ally speed gains fixed.
- Different enemy level options when fighting
Level 1 enemies
Level 5 enemies
Level 10 enemies
Scaling enemies (Their level is your level)
- Moved the chat input/output to a seperate, closable window.
- Fixed a bug that slowed down player unit movement.
- Fixed the maps that didn't have enough Unit starting positions.
- Fixed units being able to attack themselves (Note that Teammates are still fair game)
- Randomized turns of all units with the same TIMER stat, no more having the player's units go first in the case of all units having the same speed.
- Fixed the AI attack doing less damage
- Bound Skip turn to Escape instead of 'D', to make it harder to accidentally skip a turn.
Sep 23 2009, 7:14 pm (Edited on Sep 23 2009, 7:25 pm)
Sep 24 2009, 10:49 am
Nice, gotta try it out.