Im makeing a game and i tryed like hundreds of times to make a house im good with isometirc houses but im bad with non-isometic houses my friend who is also makeing a game made a pro house and he tried helping me but it didnt do much good here is a example of the house

(this is not the best lookings ones in my opinuion)

Sorry for my grammer :)
are you using the zoom in/out feature, it helps because you could add way more detail to this. I also recommend looking at a box/house to help with the shading.
not much but is the propective good ? becuase my friend said they looked bad becuase the propective was bad and they had bad shadeing etc
so your saying its bad ?
It's downright horrible, if that's what you want to know.
Vrocaan please leave me alone that is very rude becuase you sent me something saying my game was going to be bad
Here some real help for you

house tut create-a-pixel-house.11335.html

Search up some more tuts on google or message me on my pager if you need more help and the forum is a good place for help sometimes
thx it might help me :_)
I just was trying to give him something unlike anyone else who has posted here so far Yut,,,