Does anyone have an idea how to print the map as text into the chat area would be?
I'm trying to make sort of a mud for fun ;D
and i don't have the slightest idea how to.
Any help would be awesome.
i decided to say screw it and just develop it for byond users instead of a full mud lol easier. i may make it for telnet / mud clients later on when i have more time. |
Ok after looking around on the forums i got what i sorta needed but its not centering my character on the map i decided to go with telnet support and byond at the same time xD
anyways still working on some other stuff but here is what i have so far ;o I'm making it like a mud i use to play along time ago DragonBall Z FE lol i remember how much fun i had on it and i decided why not xD some of the colors are wrong but i will fix them T.T. |
In response to Gokussj99
There are a variety of libraries out there performing functionality related to MUDs on BYOND. If you type in 'mud' in the BYOND Resources search, you'll get here. However, there isn't any library around (That I know of), that does what you want.
From the way you phrased the initial question, it sounds as if you want to display the surrounding turfs, and not /area datums or something similar. In order to do that, think about how you would structure the output:
- You want to send a 'grid' to the player, with a height and width according to how far out you want to display the text map. This grid could be handled by a multi-dimensional array, and could contain values that are single-character representations of each turf (Such as '#' for a /turf/tree, or what have you).
- The block(turf/lower_left, turf/upper_right) procedure will give you a list of turfs between the two arguments; you could use this to populate your grid.
- Take care to include 'padding', in case you're close enough to the edge of the map that block() gives you a smaller list than your pre-determined width x height.
- You could use the atom.text variable to hold the 'symbol' of atoms on your map. If you're only displaying turfs, then you only need to be concerned with those, of course.
I hope this helps you start working on a solution, and if you get stuck and need help, remember to include what you've tried to do so far and what didn't work :)
Good luck!