by Zete
An Online Turn-Based Strategy RPG - Play as a Team!
Static-GT wrote:
Hhmm, if may. Zete, are you planning to make a PvP pokemon game? I deeply hope so it would satisfy all the Pokemon trainer players on Byond and i would love for that to happen.

Yes it will be PvP in the next update.
Zete wrote:
Static-GT wrote:
Hhmm, if may. Zete, are you planning to make a PvP pokemon game? I deeply hope so it would satisfy all the Pokemon trainer players on Byond and i would love for that to happen.

Yes it will be PvP in the next update.

No i mean a entirely new pokemon game. Pokemon Trainer game like the originally made pokemon games with the battle scens and all. Such as Flints Pokemon Cintrine.
Zete When will game be back up??
Static-GT wrote:
Zete wrote:
Static-GT wrote:
Hhmm, if may. Zete, are you planning to make a PvP pokemon game? I deeply hope so it would satisfy all the Pokemon trainer players on Byond and i would love for that to happen.

Yes it will be PvP in the next update.

No i mean a entirely new pokemon game. Pokemon Trainer game like the originally made pokemon games with the battle scens and all. Such as Flints Pokemon Cintrine.

No, Flints already working on such a game there would be no taste in competing with him, when I could be doing something completely different and innovative.

@Lord-Ampro: I can't answer that, we're still fixing and adding stuff. Please be patient, best idea is to favorite and wait for the game to pop up on the pager.
Brilliant game, for pokémon and non-pokémon fans alike!

Beautiful in aesthetics, logical in programming!

Everything games these days should be :]
Zete wrote:
Static-GT wrote:
Zete wrote:
Static-GT wrote:
Hhmm, if may. Zete, are you planning to make a PvP pokemon game? I deeply hope so it would satisfy all the Pokemon trainer players on Byond and i would love for that to happen.

Yes it will be PvP in the next update.

No i mean a entirely new pokemon game. Pokemon Trainer game like the originally made pokemon games with the battle scens and all. Such as Flints Pokemon Cintrine.

No, Flints already working on such a game there would be no taste in competing with him, when I could be doing something completely different and innovative.

@Lord-Ampro: I can't answer that, we're still fixing and adding stuff. Please be patient, best idea is to favorite and wait for the game to pop up on the pager.

Yes yes, Dragon Ball X!
Asakuraboy wrote:
Brilliant game, for pokémon and non-pokémon fans alike!

Beautiful in aesthetics, logical in programming!

Everything games these days should be :]

Thank you very much, Leon :)

@Static-GT: Lol, I don't know anything about that I wouldn't want to give pmitch any competition in the DB world haha.
Zete wrote:
Asakuraboy wrote:
Brilliant game, for pokémon and non-pokémon fans alike!

Beautiful in aesthetics, logical in programming!

Everything games these days should be :]

Thank you very much, Leon :)

@Static-GT: Lol, I don't know anything about that I wouldn't want to give pmitch any competition in the DB world haha.

xD! His DBO world is no competition. It looks good and is made well but the game is no competition for other Dbz game makers on Byond. I am already making a game i am 110% sure could compete with his. I wouldn't attempt to compete with his if i knew i couldn't.

I would still like to see you make a dbz game. I honestly think you can do better then him. But if you don't think so you should try. I mean look at your two games PZ and NX. There are no games on Byond i play at all i mean it. And yours is the only one i play out of all the others. I hope NX will be the same.

Please Make a dbz game for me and your fans.
Static-GT wrote:
Zete wrote:
Asakuraboy wrote:
Brilliant game, for pokémon and non-pokémon fans alike!

Beautiful in aesthetics, logical in programming!

Everything games these days should be :]

Thank you very much, Leon :)

@Static-GT: Lol, I don't know anything about that I wouldn't want to give pmitch any competition in the DB world haha.

xD! His DBO world is no competition. It looks good and is made well but the game is no competition for other Dbz game makers on Byond. I am already making a game i am 110% sure could compete with his. I wouldn't attempt to compete with his if i knew i couldn't.

I would still like to see you make a dbz game. I honestly think you can do better then him. But if you don't think so you should try. I mean look at your two games PZ and NX. There are no games on Byond i play at all i mean it. And yours is the only one i play out of all the others. I hope NX will be the same.

Please Make a dbz game for me and your fans.

Lol well at the moment I'm extremely busy in life and it doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon so I don't see that as a possability, sorry.

But thank you for the praising! very appreciated.
If you need a 24/7 host let me know, either reply to this comment, page me on my pager at Visser Three or add me on MSN at mr.frogman@comcast.net.
Visser Three wrote:
If you need a 24/7 host let me know, either reply to this comment, page me on my pager at Visser Three or add me on MSN at mr.frogman@comcast.net.

He is hosting on ATP Host it is extremely cool but the constant crashes suck it probably because of a programming error but other then that the shell server he is hosting on is pretty cool.
It'll be fixed soon and I will be hosting from now on so crashes won't happen after the updates.
Hmph...either it's just ATP host in general or just you have a coding error. Sometimes when you click a link inside a game it can cause the server to crash.

ATP Host has always had crashes anyways i would prefer my own Computer for hosting or Zen.

Hmm i haven't heard much from Zen. I think i should check and see if they are still around.
Server will be up 24/7 from now on. It will only go down for bug fixing, updates, etc.
BxS0ldi3R wrote:
Server will be up 24/7 from now on. It will only go down for bug fixing, updates, etc.

Great no messed up HUD?
I can't wait to see this game finish! Hopefully a new project? I hope so.
Server crashed due to a bug, going to reboot and attempt to retrieve your save files.
Server crashed, make topics on the forums and let us know what you were last doing when it crashed.
BxS0ldi3R wrote:
Server crashed, make topics on the forums and let us know what you were last doing when it crashed.

Have all the player saves been kept since testing started?
Will I be able to effectively play this is I don't know anything about Pokemon?
Ulterior Motives wrote:
Will I be able to effectively play this is I don't know anything about Pokemon?

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