Keywords: motivation
I'm sending you this postcard today from beautiful Millennium City, where I've been vacationing over the past two weeks.

Though I've generally been enjoying my stay, it seems I've finally reached the point where I'm busily shifting perspectives between multiple characters. Perhaps my vacation is nearing its end? Well, that is the hidden goal of a vacation, after all - to be sufficiently sick of it that you're actually happy to return to the usual grind.

Of course, it hasn't all been pleasure, as I've been trying to intermix my two major responsibilities during this time. My first responsibility being my schooling. The second responsibility being a practical application of my skills - this BYOND project I've been working on over the past few weeks.

I've a Spanish test this morning, an hour and a half from the time I'm writing this, and I'm sure I haven't aced the material... but I don't particularly care to cram. I really don't like having a foreign language requirement. I like the kind of classes which teach me to think better or which provide me tools I can use. I don't like the kind of classes which want me to just memorize things because they leave no room for critical thought. You just have to accept them the way they are. So the Spanish-speaking people have decided that this is how they communicate ideas? Well, I suppose that's anthropologically fascinating that bodies of people can find two radically different ways to achieve this incredibly sophisticated end... but I would rather move forward than to the side.

Far more exciting, I think, is this BYOND project I'm working on. It feels a bit like I might have painted myself into a corner at this point - my mortal limitations are all very clear in my inability to visualize the entire game clearly. However, I'm mentally prepared to knock down some walls at this point. Even in going backwards, I'm closer to finished than I have ever been. This is more than a game I expect not many people will stumble across to try - it's the start of my meager contributions to the world as something a bit more interesting than a customer service representative or an unemployed student. I wonder if all game developers feel that way?

All this busy-minded Millennium City tourism and monotonous classwork pales in comparison to the significance I might have forging this online world. One where no NPC really stays put - it would be like Defender doesn't just sit around in the Renaissance Center but rather runs about the city thwarting crime and you have to track him down to get your missions. One that doesn't work on the usual Health/Energy bars or hotkey banks. One where accountability of a player's action works - the world actually changes based off of what they do - without making the game painful for anyone to play. It's just a whole lot more interesting here in Indy development, you know?

Well, that's all I have time to write for now. Despite my earlier stating I hate to study Spanish, I do want to take a little bit of time doing so. At least pull a C or better, so I can put this business of a second language requirement behind me.
Come now, surely you can appreciate the multi-dimensionality learning additional languages grants you? To quote Benjamin Lee Whorf, "Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about." I wholly believe that language is a basic and primary faculty of the mind; and that learning languages gives you also a liberty of appreciation of your native and other languages that cannot be gained through only the one-dimensionality of a single language. For sure, and at the very least, learning English has made me a better thinker, and subsequently a better person.
Ah, you're probably right, and indeed having a different linguistic perspective will open one up to new insights about the world...

... I just detest a learning regimen that largely centers on memorization of things. I am more dynamic than static in my thinking methodology.
Champions Online looks like an incredibly fun MMO! Never heard of it (or at least can't remember it) until this post just now, and I'm very interested in trying it. My brothers (who play LotR:O every day) have been saying I need to find my own MMO. But the standard automatic fighting, waiting times for moves and everything else WoW, LotR:O et-al have for combat systems have never thrilled me. If the description Champions Online gives is accurate, I'm there.

But that aside, I found Star Trek Online to be far more interesting. I have fond visions of coming to another Star-ships aid in a PVP zone and successfully saving them from a much stronger threat. Then demanding compensations on threat of finishing what the first ship began... Then finishing what the first ship began regardless of compensation paid or not. Regardless of how things play out, I will be purchasing Star Trek Online. =D


I didn't find anything particularly enlightening about learning French in school. New languages don't open my mind to a greater appreciation of the world, the world is still the same, being able to converse with more people doesn't improve it any.
Geldonyetich wrote:
Ah, you're probably right, and indeed having a different linguistic perspective will open one up to new insights about the world...

... I just detest a learning regimen that largely centers on memorization of things. I am more dynamic than static in my thinking methodology.

Have you tried natural language learning? It's a method of learning where you only talk in the language you want to learn from the beginning of the lesson to its end, picking it up as you go. I've found it a great deal more interesting (and efficient) than memorising grammar rules and words without context.

@Tib: I think that, to really understand what I meant, you'd have to be fluent in French (which I think you aren't, but I may be mistaken), and use it often... you don't learn a language by going to school.

Dr. JWatson wrote:
@Tib: I think that, to really understand what I meant, you'd have to be fluent in French (which I think you aren't, but I may be mistaken), and use it often... you don't learn a language by going to school.

No, I'm definitely not fluent. But I find a mistake in the logic that you don't learn a language by going to school. If that is the case, they shouldn't bother teaching them in the first place.
Yes, they shouldn't - unless they specialise in it. I abhor the language classes in schools. But even if they do specialise in it, all they do is teach you how to speak and write a little. You'll never truly become a good writer or speaker through school alone - you'd have to actually use the language. Just like you never become a good English speaker from learning grammar - speaking comes before that! This is why I much prefer the aforementioned method of learning languages.
That said, it is a matter of fact that the things I am saying have already been said (see the quote, for example). I began to seriously consider the benefits of learning a new language when a good friend of my parents (has a PhD in French philosophy by the way) mentioned it.
Dr. JWatson wrote:
That said, it is a matter of fact that the things I am saying have already been said (see the quote, for example).

And Freud said I have a sexual attraction to my mother and see my father as competition. I don't.

Everyone sees things in a different perspective, and that isn't going to change. I see absolutely no use in learning a foreign language as I really, really doubt I'm ever going to be in a position to use it. Thus, when I say I don't find anything particularly enlightening about learning another language, I mean it. To me, it'd just be more useless knowledge I don't want or need.

The circumstances for you might be different, if that's the case, good on you. You've found a practical use for something I don't have a practical use for. But quoting other people and stating something like this is a matter of fact couldn't be further from the truth. I have no use, no desire and no interest in learning a foreign language, therefore, it's not enlightening for me in the slightest. That is a matter of fact. =)
You clearly haven't studied Freud enough ;-)

But okay. I guess this discussion really has nowhere to continue without you becoming fluent in another language (because otherwise you and I will keep arguing from different experiences). I think, when two people are arguing from two different viewpoints, coming to a conclusion is difficult - kinda like believing in God.

Just one thing I'd like to point out: I haven't discussed this as a matter of fact, I've said it was a matter of fact that what I'm saying was said before me. Don't misinterpret me, biatch.
For the reccord: The rest of this conversation was resolved on MSN. Which later erupted into an argument about which tea was better, white or black.

He thinks black, I think white. Clearly he's insane, white tea with three sugars, hotter than the sun itself cannot be beaten for refreshment. Especially on a hot day.
Altogether, an excellently conducted heated disagreement. You've both demonstrated that some members of the Internet population are not screaming monkeys seeking pornography, and this has shaken the foundations of my understanding of reality.

That said, irregardless of the benefits of a foreign language, it's nonetheless a mandatory part of my degree. As much as I may not like to memorize something as abstract as a word, I'm nonetheless required to do so. It rankles - but that's life.

As for Champions Online, it's an interesting duck indeed. I would advise The Escapist's Review on it, as it really does frame the game correctly: as one that will only return what one puts into it.

I'm certainly biased - after all, I put some 1600 hours into City of Heroes but chalked World of Warcraft up as a braindead EverQuest clone by level 40ish.
I got to level two in WoW before I was incredibly bored of it. The combat system just wasn't for me. I enjoy that kinda thing in games like Baldurs Gate, but in my 3rd person 3D MMOs, I'd much rather have faster based action.